Quiz: Research Designs

Question 1

3 / 3 pts

Which is used to describe when data are collected and interpreted with credibility and overall transparency in qualitative research?

statistical conclusion validity




Question 2

3 / 3 pts

Numerical data and information about variables are most closely associated with which methodology?





Question 3

3 / 3 pts

The philosophical and theoretical perspective about scientifically exploring the world that is linked by shared assumptions, practices, and concepts refers to what?

literature review

hypothetical standpoint

research methodology

research design

Question 4

3 / 3 pts

Colleges, universities, hospitals, and schools use a group most typically called the ______ to monitor and ensure compliance with ethical practices.

Institutional Review Board

Internal Affairs Office

Ethics Council

Subjectivity Committee

Question 5

3 / 3 pts

What is meant to help researchers draw conclusions about cause and effect between variables?

a nonexperimental design

a descriptive design

an experimental design

a comparative design

Question 6

3 / 3 pts

Which design would most likely be used if the researcher aims to manipulate or modify a variable in the study?





Question 7

3 / 3 pts

What distinguishes mixed method from either qualitative or quantitative methodologies?

Mixed methodology is developed through trial-and-error.

Mixed methodology requires a discussion at the onset with local communities.

Mixed methodology integrates quantitative and qualitative approaches for a more holistic view.

Mixed methodology is a sequential process, rather than an iterative process.

Question 8

3 / 3 pts

What does validity reflect?

the characteristics of an assessment tool or research design

the meaningfulness of conclusions about variables or statistical results

the credibility and overall transparency with which data are collected and interpreted

foundational knowledge in measurement, sampling procedures, and data analysis

Question 9

3 / 3 pts

What makes qualitative results typically more generative?

They focus on definitive limits and permanent implications.

They can be used to build theories which later quantitative research can test.

They reflect an individual’s perspective rather than factual information.

They are more “other-oriented” than “self-oriented.”

Question 10

3 / 3 pts

What is the key distinction between a research design and a research methodology?

A research design proposes a question, but does not provide an action plan.

Research design is considered to be more theoretical and less practical than research methodology.

A research design is more subject to active criticism than a research methodology.

A research design focuses more on the specific procedures and methods for executing a study.

Question 11

3 / 3 pts

Case studies, narrative inquiries, and ethnographies are all examples of what?

quantitative research methods

qualitative research methods


survey research

Question 12

3 / 3 pts

Suzanne wants to determine a theory based on information she has collected from her coworkers regarding their experiences in terms of some new processes that have been implemented recently. She has conducted so many interviews with various coworkers that she is no longer receiving any new insights, so she decides to start analyzing and interpreting the data she has collected. Which qualitative research design is Suzanne using?

case study


narrative inquiry

grounded theory

Question 13

3 / 3 pts

Garrison wants to undertake a research project to study the practice routines of skateboarders at his local park. Which would be considered a necessary first step to executing Garrison’s course of action?

being well versed in APA style references

using his passion to guide him into the knowledge-making process

demonstrating personal courage and conviction

having foundational knowledge in measurement, sampling procedures, and data analysis

Question 14

3 / 3 pts

A ______ is used to specifically assess the perceptions, beliefs, opinions, abilities, or behaviors of a sample of individuals about an emerging or critical issue.

correlational analysis

posttest synopsis

test of equivalencies

descriptive survey design

Question 15

3 / 3 pts

According to the text, all questions used in descriptive research use what?

quantitative or numerical language, or at least questions that imply quantification of information is needed

frequency counts associated with them that determine the usefulness of particular questions

a control group

open-ended responses from subjects that are directly reported in the research publication

Question 16

3 / 3 pts

A series of statements to which individuals respond via a rating is known as a(n) ______.



interview guide


Question 17

3 / 3 pts

Correlational designs examine the nature of the numerical or statistical relationship ______.

developed from historical research

between two or more variables

from the researcher’s perspective

inside of one variable

Question 18

3 / 3 pts

Stating that one variable is the factor that influences or effects another variable is known as establishing ______.



experimental candor


Question 19

3 / 3 pts

Why is the predictability of patterns between scores an important aspect of correlational design?

When scores converge together, it is a sign of multicollinearity and researchers should avoid such questions.

If the researcher can predict the patterns between scores, then the results are inherently valid.

Researchers should study topics that are typically easy to guess and wouldn’t surprise or upset current knowledge.

The more predictable the patterns of scores between variables, the higher the correlation the researcher will see.

Question 20

3 / 3 pts

Groups that are distinguished by some unrankable feature, characteristic, or dimension such as gender or grade level are considered ______.

categorical variables

interval variables

continuous variables

ratio variables

Question 21

3 / 3 pts

When designing a survey, which factor is a key consideration for a researcher to consider to ensure an effective study?

Asking the same question in multiple ways allows researchers to frame analysis in a way that helps them reach the outcome they want.

Survey questions must directly pertain to the overall purposes and research question the researcher has.

Open-ended surveys are quicker to develop and analyze than close-ended surveys.

Not enough people fill out surveys these days, so the researcher must prepare for a very small sample size.

Question 22

3 / 3 pts

In the text, David surveys school psychologists about their views on student motivation. Which factor makes this a descriptive research design?

He asked a targeted sample their beliefs on a critical issue.

He ran an experiment with different measures and drew conclusions.

He presented photographic images in his final report.

He allowed his feelings to inform his conclusions.

Question 23

3 / 3 pts

In a correlation, when the coefficient approaches either -1 or 1, compared to scores closer to 0, the researcher can conclude that this is which type of relationship?





Question 24

3 / 3 pts

Reviewing the literature to understand the way researchers have used variables related to your study in the past is a key step in ensuring your variables are properly ______.





Question 25

3 / 3 pts

Creating subgroups to determine whether students who are participants in after-school clubs suffer from more sleep deprivation than students who do not participate in after-school activities is an example of grouping variables through which criteria?

first to market


present or absent designation

different levels or degree

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