Collapse BUS 4406 – Quality Management

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.


In this unit, we introduce the concept of processes and the best ways to manage and improve them. We look at the inputs and outputs, and introduce the principles of Statistical Process Control. We study the different variables that are relevant in the control of processes, and methods to manage them.

Specifically, we look at the simplest process control methods: the Taguchi methods, Just-in-Time approach, and Kanban approach.


Quality Management (Knowles) Chapter 9 – pp. 90-109

Taguchi methods –

Kanban –

Karna, S. K., & Sahai, R., (2012). An overview on Taguchi method. International Journal of Engineering and Mathematical Sciences, 1, 11-18.

Supplemental Reading:
Bisgaard, S. (1990, January). Quality engineering and Taguchi methods: A perspective. Center for Quality and Productivity Improvement. Report 40. Madison, Wisconsin.


What do you think should be an organization’s priority to achieve excellence: its processes, or its people? Why? How do the two relate and interact?

Please answer in 200 words or more. As usual, use your own words – please do not copy and paste from a web site. Be sure to reference your sources.

Then, engage in a dialogue with your classmates on the above issue and any other perspective you may have on the topic. You are expected to make at least three posts to the discussion forum during the course of the discussion period.

Don’t forget to rate the postings of your classmates according to the Rating Guidelines.

Happy discussing!


In the learning journal, you should record your activities, and record problems you may have encountered, as well as your notes and thoughts about the material. In addition, you should consider the following questions for reflection:

What are some of the processes in your professional, personal or academic life that can be managed differently? How so? What would you expect this new approach’s outcomes to be?

Please answer these questions in 300 words or more. Your answer should reflect your personal experience and should be thoughtful and introspective.

Requirements: Please find the appropriate solution, If you are using references, please use the proper citation rules.

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