psychology: UNIT #6 ASSIGNMENT

The goal is to offer you practice in not just learning scientific psychology, but actually APPLYING said science in making the world a better place.

This is a SMALL 500 -word paper, so don’t let the word “paper” mislead you.

What to write about:

Your task is to pick a topic/concept from the course and design a real-life project you could possibly implement. I have re-opened the content from all units.  You will be able to see the open units below Unit #6.


  1. WHAT this psychological science idea is, and
  2. HOW you will use this idea to change the world, improve the quality of life for people, or even push the frontiers of scientific inquiry/application.

Complete the work sufficiently and you will receive the full 20 points. I am most concerned with your idea and the course of action you would take to make the change.

It is important that you review the rubric for this assignment, so you are fully aware of grading expectations.

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