Solidwork task 1-2 and 3



Linear Static Analysis of a Symmetrical Model:

For detailed tasks, please refer to Pages: 5-6.

The detailed drawing is attached as a separate file (Symmetrical Model).


Analysis of Stress Distribution in a Steel Plate:

To see the detailed tasks, please turn to Pages: 7-8.

The detailed drawing is attached as a separate file (Rectangular Plate).


Design Optimization of Solar Furnace Triangular Support:

Detailed tasks can be found on Pages No: 9-10.

Please ensure that your individual report comprehensively covers all three tasks. Each task should include dedicated sections for introduction, conclusion, and references. This approach guarantees clarity and coherence while meeting the artefact requirements. Additionally, it’s important to note that the same rubric will be used for all case studies to ensure consistency in assessment.

Equipment: The primary software package used for Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) is SolidWorks.

Procedure: Adopt general technical report writing guidelines as applicable and ensure that the report is well structured and follows the requirements of the module descriptor. According to the module descriptor, word limit for the report is set at 2,500 words, which serves as a guideline to help you to present your ideas concisely and effectively. If your report exceeds the 2,500-word limit, it will not automatically lead to a penalty. However, keep in mind that excessively lengthy reports may risk diluting the impact of your key points and ideas. References and appendices are not included in the word count. Include table of contents, nomenclature, and sequential numbering of sections. Good use of the English language, grammar, and terminology.

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