principles of humanities

For our course this term, we will focus on the principles of humanities! We will learn how to examine, compare, analyze,
evaluate, interpret, and discuss creative works within their cultural contexts. Before we begin, let us introduce ourselves and think about what we currently know about the humanities.

For your initial post :

  • What is your name and major?
  • Why are you taking this course? General interest? Graduation requirement? Please share!
  • Do you have a creative outlet? Do you paint, cook, garden, or create anything? Please elaborate and share pictures if appropriate.
  • Please define the Humanities as you currently know them. Do not cheat! (Do not look up the definition, use whatever comes to mind)

For your replies :

  • Please respond to at least two of your classmates, but feel free to comment on more!
  • You may respond by noting your own knowledge.
  • Comment if you are interested in learning more.
  • Respond with any positive comments or constructive questions.
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About the Author: admin