A brief description of the program to be developed

Needs Assessment

Submit a 1- to 2-page paper expanding on and justifying the potential program you
identified in this week’s Discussion. Include:
 A brief description of the program to be developed
 Criteria for inclusion in the program (which clients and why)
 Justification for the proposed program. What two best methods would you use to
gather credible information to support the need for your program (e.g., interview,
surveys, focus groups, etc.). Why? Be sure to state from whom you would gather the
Use the Learning Resources and peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles to support
your paper. Make sure to include appropriate APA citations and a reference list.  

Focus of the developed program
Possible developed program will be called MHM (Men Helping Men)
There are not enough male workers to assist male clients that may have been sexually abused
that can relate or help the clients through their trauma.

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