A neuropsychologist assesses the cognitive functioning of 17 adults who are at-risk for Alzheimer’s disease using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Scores higher than 24 indicate better cognitive functioning, while scores lower than 24 indicate worse functioning and possible early-stage Alzheimer’s disease.

SPSS Homework: Central Tendency Template

Problem Set 1: A neuropsychologist assesses the cognitive functioning of 17 adults who are at-risk for Alzheimer’s disease using the Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Scores higher than 24 indicate better cognitive functioning, while scores lower than 24 indicate worse functioning and possible early-stage Alzheimer’s disease. The scores are contained in the table below. Remember to put your initials within any and all variable names.

MMSE Scores
26 29 29 8 29 24 10 28 28 27 29 28 27 26 30 29 26
  1. Using the data in the table above, set up a data file in SPSS and create a table of descriptive statistics using the “Explore” command. Paste the table here: (8 pts)
  • Using the same data, create a histogram showing the distribution of MMSE scores in the sample. Paste the histogram here: (7 pts)
  • List the mean and the median for MMSE scores. (4 pts)
  • Based on the information in numbers 1-3, which measure of central tendency would you use to describe this data set? Support your answer with material from the presentations and/or reading this week. (6 pts)
  • Locate any outliers (scores that are more extreme than the rest of the data). Based on your knowledge of MMSE scores from the scenario, are there any patients you would recommend for further evaluation for Alzheimer’s? If so, how many? Explain your reasoning. (5 pts)

Problem Set 2: A forensic psychologist wants to examine the level of narcissistic personality traits in those who are diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (ASPD) and those who do not qualify for ASPD within a local prison population. She administers a measure of narcissistic personality traits where higher scores indicate higher levels of narcissism and scores range from 0–35. Name your variables in Variable View. Assign values to the “Diagnosis” variable as follows: 1 = ASPD; 2 = no ASPD. Remember to put your initials within any and all variable names.

DiagnosisNarcissism Score
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 234 2 28 30 29 4 35 34 34 32 12 8 12 12 6 5 8 9 10 6
  1. Using the data in the table above, set up your data file in SPSS and create one table of Descriptive Statistics using the “Explore” function that shows descriptives for narcissism split by group (ASPD and no ASPD separately). Paste the table here: (7 pts)
  • What is the standard deviation for the ASPD group in this sample? (5 pts)
  • Compare the means of each group (ASPD and no ASPD). What can you say about the narcissism scores of the ASPD group compared to the no ASPD group? (5 pts)
  • Using the same data, create a boxplot in SPSS to show the difference in narcissism scores between the two diagnostic groups. Paste the boxplot here: (7 pts)
  • Locate the outliers for the ASPD group in the boxplot. (Outliers are depicted by dots that lie farther away from the rest of the data. The numbers next to the dots represent the row number in your data set where that score lies.) What effect do these data points have on the mean narcissism score for the ASPD group? (6 pts)
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