A retail company is testing a new platform to promote and sell products to business customers.


A retail company is testing a new platform to promote and sell products to business customers.

As part of the experiment to examine the effect of the new platform on sales, the following data was collected:

  • 180 established business customers (or accounts) were randomly selected, and their average weekly order for the last 6 months was calculated.
  • 90 randomly selected customers out of the 180 were routed to use the new platform. After six months, their average weekly order was calculated once again.
  • Additional 90 new customers were routed to the new platform, and their average weekly orders were calculated after six months.

The experiment process generated three disjoint groups of customers:

Group NameDescription#customers
A Customers 1-90Assigned to new platform: The weekly order was calculated before and after the new platform For each customer, there are two observations one before and one after the new platform was deployed90
B Customers 91-180Did not experience the new platform: The weekly order was calculated twice by six months For each customer, there are two observations both with the old platform90
C Customers 181-270Assigned to new platform: The weekly order was calculated only once after 6 months on the new platform For each customer, there is one observation after the new platform was deployed90

Please note that the groups do not necessarily correlate with different populations. The populations will be defined by the research question in each study.

Timeline of experiment:

May 1, 2023 (first measure, A & B)                   November 1, 2023 (second measure, A, B & C)                               

For each business customer, additional information was collected such as business “age” (numeric), “premium” (yes/no, whether the customer subscribes to the premium delivery), “industry” (primary, secondary, tertiary or quaternary), and “location” in the US (pacific/ eastern). In addition, the variable “measure” indicates whether the calculation corresponds to the first or second measurement. For the C group, there is only one “measure” that equates to the second measurement on the other groups.

Part 1: Data Exploration

For the variable “order” in each of the specified subgroups:

  • Provide descriptive statistics: mean, mean, standard deviation, and sample size
  • Plot histogram and boxplot

For the variable “premium” in each of the specified subgroups:

  • Populate the given frequency table (use Pivot Table or R commands to find the counts)
  1. Orders in the new platform.

Descriptive statistics:

 New platform (Nov 1, 2023)
Standard Deviation 
Sample Size 

<Provide screenshot of calculations Excel, or R commands>




<Provide screenshot of calculations Excel, or R commands>

  • Orders in the old platform.

Descriptive statistics:

 Old platform (May 1, 2023)
Standard Deviation 
Sample Size 

<Provide screenshot of calculations Excel, or R commands>




<Provide screenshot of calculations Excel, or R commands>

  • Orders of customers located in the pacific versus eastern region (New platform, Nov 1, 2023)

Descriptive statistics:

Standard Deviation  
Sample Size  

<Provide screenshot of calculations Excel, or R commands>


Histogram by location

Boxplot by location

<Provide screenshot of calculations Excel, or R commands>

  • Count of premium and no premium subscribers while on the old platform at the start (May 1, 2023).

Frequency Table:


<Provide screenshot of calculations Excel, or R commands>

  • Count of premium and no premium subscribers while on the old platform and new platform on November 1, 2023?

Frequency Table:

 Old platformNew platformTotal

<Provide screenshot of calculations Excel, or R commands>

Part 2: Statistical

For each of the following research question:

  • State the null and alternative hypotheses.
  • Determine the appropriate hypothesis test and justify your selection.
  • Run the hypothesis test and provide the R code with results.
  • State the statistical conclusion
  • Communicate the statistical conclusion within the context of the problem in plain English.

Use 0.05 significance level for all statistical tests.

  1. Is the average weekly order on the new platform greater than $5,900?


H0: _____________________________________________________

H1: _____________________________________________________

Statistical test and justification: _____________________________________________

Statistical test code and results: _____________________________________________

Statistical conclusion: _____________________________________________________

Conclusion within context: _________________________________________________

  • Based on the data from May 1, 2023, is the proportion of customers that subscribe to the premium delivery while on the old platform less than 12%?


H0: _____________________________________________________

H1: _____________________________________________________

Statistical test and justification: _____________________________________________

Statistical test code and results: _____________________________________________

Statistical conclusion: _____________________________________________________

Conclusion within context: _________________________________________________

  • Based on the data from November 1, 2023, when using the new platform, is there a difference in the average weekly order of customers located in the pacific versus eastern region?


H0: _____________________________________________________

H1: _____________________________________________________

Statistical test and justification: _____________________________________________

Statistical test code and results: _____________________________________________

Statistical conclusion: _____________________________________________________

Conclusion within context: _____________________________________________________

  • Based on the data from November 1, 2023, is the average weekly order of customers that experience the new platform greater than those who did not?


H0: _____________________________________________________

H1: _____________________________________________________

Statistical test and justification: _____________________________________________

Statistical test code and results: _____________________________________________

Statistical conclusion: _____________________________________________________

Conclusion within context: _________________________________________________

  • Based on the data from November 1, 2023, is the proportion of customers that subscribe to the premium delivery different between the old platform and new platform?


H0: _____________________________________________________

H1: _____________________________________________________

Statistical test and justification: _____________________________________________

Statistical test code and results: _____________________________________________

Statistical conclusion: _____________________________________________________

Conclusion within context: _________________________________________________

  • Based on the data from group A, is the average weekly order after the new platform greater than on the old platform?


H0: _____________________________________________________

H1: _____________________________________________________

Statistical test and justification: _____________________________________________

Statistical test code and results: _____________________________________________

Statistical conclusion: _____________________________________________________

Conclusion within context: _________________________________________________

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