According to Becker, how do label’s affect our view of substances? What does Becker say about the current “drug problem” in the U.S.?

1. According to Becker, how do label’s affect our view of substances? What does Becker say about the current “drug problem” in the U.S.?

2. What is meant by the terms ‘prison reform’ and ‘defund the police’?

3. What alternatives to either the current corrections system or current policing practices would you suggest for positive change?

What Does “Defund The Police” Mean?

99 unread replies.9191 replies.

From the Bookings Institute, we have this article discussing what “Defund the Police” means: —>,That’s%20it.&text=And%2C%20even%20some%20who%20say,away%20with%20law%20enforcement%20altogether

Links to an external site..

Here’s an interview with Amy Goodman and Angela Davis on Democracy Now! regarding defunding the police: to an external site..

Here’s an interview with Amy Goodman and Angela Davis on Democracy Now! regarding defunding the police:

Links to an external site.Drugs: What Are They?

1717 unread replies.102102 replies.

Howard Becker is the most widely cited sociologist in the field of deviance and criminology. In 1963 he published, Outsiders: Studies of Deviance, a best-seller and template for Labeling Theory in the Sociology of Deviance.

Labeling theory argues that deviance is created by labels, not by the actions themselves. Labeling theory also explains that people who are in positions of power are those with the power to label. Those labels create deviance and impact the identity and treatment of those being labeled. Becker and n his classic, “Outsiders” explains how the label “criminal” or “deviant” is applied depending on who is doing the crime.

Consider the following: Most Americans are concerned about street crime much. more than white collar crime; yet. white collar crime costs society exponentially more than all street crime combined. Likewise, those involved in expensive crimes that have an impact on society, usually go unpunished the same was a pot smoker or someone who holds up a liquor store might be.

As you read the article, consider how Becker argues that substances are just things; and just like activities, are not good or bad, unless someone in power labels them as such. He bases his narrative on research and myths regarding marijuana that he has been conducting for 60 years.

Here is his article, based on Labeling Theory, that discusses how definitions matter!

You can find “Drugs: What Are They” here —> Becker-2001-Drugs-WhatAreThey.pdf

Download Becker-2001-Drugs-WhatAreThey.pdf

Are Prisons Obsolete?4747 unread replies.9292 replies.

Alexander’s New York Time’s Best Seller “The New Jim Crow: Mass

Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” addresses the failure of a

prison system that has disproportionately targeted poor communities of

Check out Chapter 1 here: —–> The_New_Jim_Crow-1.pdfDownload The_New_Jim_Crow-1.pdf
Angela Davis, Emeritus Professor of UC Santa Cruz wrote her epic title, “Are Prison’s Obsolete.”

can find the first chapter of her book here: —–>


The Sentencing Project has this brief that will also help your understanding of the big picture!

can access that brief here: —->



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