Advanced genetics on snapgene

Choose a project to work on. It can be something from the list below

– Design a defective interfering RNA for a virus

– Design a saRNA vaccine for a virus

– Make a KO cancer cell line that does not produce an essential growth factor

– Create, extend or remove uORFs to change the expression level of a gene

– Design RNAi to target the pathogen of a plant

or anything else you’d like to do using skills you learned here. It does not need to be an original research project; you can also simply repeat what was done in a paper, but you will have to do some research, find genes and organisms or a published paper to work on. It should have enough information that I (or one of your colleagues) should be able to repeat it without much effort (so you must describe sequences etc. in detail, but you don’t need to explain obvious points).
The project should be done on snapgene and explained on a document by adding pictures from snapgene.

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About the Author: admin