Advanced Structural Equation Modeling

Advanced Structural Equation Modeling
Course assignment
Research Context
This research (see the questionnaire below) complements and extends a study conducted in
2008 and published in the Revue de Gestion des Ressources Humaines in 2009.
It aims to identify the explanatory processes of legal claiming, i.e. the decision of employees
to assert their rights when these are infringed.
This research is based on the preliminary assumptions that legal claiming results from three
types of antecedents/factors:

  1. The perception and assessment of the infringement of labor law,
  2. The perception and evaluation of the claiming behavior itself,
  3. The organizational context in which the employee operates.
    You will find different variables related to these three types of factors in the dataset. One of
    the underpinning theory is Ajzen’s (1991) theory of planned behavior.
    Research method
    In this research, we asked the respondents—employees of companies with at least ten
    employees—to imagine a rights infringement scenario (unpaid extra hours) before
    completing the questionnaire. Four hundred forty-five exploitable questionnaires were
    Note that this scenario aims to elicit a feeling of perceived injustice. Therefore, perceived
    injustice should not be considered a relevant variable in your hypotheses. This variable can be
    used to exclude respondents who did not associate the scenario with perceived injustice.
    Your work
    In groups of two students, you are asked to develop a research model that explains the
    intention to seek redress and test it using structural equation modeling. However, do not
    omit to present any relevant preliminary analysis (descriptive statistics, EFA, CFA, etc…)
    Of course, you don’t have to use all the variables; you are invited to test a simple but
    theoretically coherent model with, at the maximum, six constructs/variables (including
    mediating or moderating ones).
    To sum up, your work consists of:
     stating some research causal hypotheses. Mediation and moderation hypotheses
    are welcome,
     checking for the adequacy of the measurement model using Confirmatory Factor Analysis,
     testing your research hypotheses using SEM and discussing your findings briefly.
    Expected Format
    An extended abstract of max five pages (times 12, single-space)+ some appendices in which
    you will have the opportunity to detail your analyses
    L. Bertrandias MPhil – Structural Equation Modelling
    Deadline: April 30th, 2022
    legal_dept Presence legal department
    HR_Dept Presence HR department
    Status Employee’s status
    INV1 I really feel a sense of belonging to my organization.
    INV2 My organization means a lot to me
    INV3 I’m proud to be a part of this organization
    INV4 I feel emotionally attached to my organization
    INV5 I feel like I’m “part of the family” in my organization.
    I really feel the problems of my organization as if they
    were my own…
    It would be morally wrong to leave my current
    organization now…
    It would not be right to leave my current organization
    now, even if it would be to my advantage.
    I feel that I would be guilty if I left my current
    organization now…
    I would be betraying the trust placed in me if I were
    to leave my current organization now.
    If I were offered a position in another organization, I
    would not find it right to leave my current
    I wouldn’t leave my organization now because I feel I
    have obligations to some of the people who work
    I wouldn’t want to leave my current organization
    because I’d have a lot to lose…
    In my case, leaving my current organization would
    have far more drawbacks than benefits.
    I continue to work for this organization because of
    the benefits it gives me…
    I have no choice but to stay in my current
    I’m staying in my current organization because I
    don’t see where else I can go…
    I feel my options are too limited to consider leaving
    my current organization.
    In my company, labour regulations are well
    enforced… Legal structure: the
    LS2 In my company, there are few labor code violations degree to which the
    L. Bertrandias MPhil – Structural Equation Modelling
    My company does not retaliate against employees
    who have asserted their rights.
    labor law is applied in
    the company
    When a point in the work regulations is important
    to me, I am informed of it
    My company seeks to act in compliance with the
    In my company, I have all the information I need
    about labour regulations.
    In my company, I am kept up to date on the main
    changes in labour regulations.
    In my company, I have all the explanations I need
    on labour regulations
    Realism1 Such a situation may arise at some point in time Perceived realism of the
    Realism2 A situation similar to this one has already occurred scenario
    Severity1 This situation is hardly tolerable
    Perceived severity of the
    Severity2 A situation like this makes me angry
    It will be very difficult for me to forget such a
    It’s going to be very difficult for me to pretend like
    nothing’s wrong…
    Severity5 This situation offends my values
    Severity6 This situation makes me angry
    I feel that my efforts are not recognized by my
    Perceived injustice of the
    I feel that my employer does not give me enough
    explanations to understand this situation.
    Injustice3 I feel that my employer is disrespectful to me…
    Injustice4 I feel that my employer is behaving unfairly…
    Injustice5 This situation is unfair
    Asking for redress can help me to be better treated
    Negative personal
    consequences of inertia
    If I don’t ask for redress, I may not be able to look
    at myself in the mirror anymore.
    If I don’t seek redress, I may find myself in an even
    worse situation than the one I’m currently in.
    NPC4 If I don’t ask for compensation, I might regret it.
    Not seeking redress is an endorsement of such
    Att1 Seeking redress makes great sense
    Attitude toward redress
    Att2 is justified
    Att3 is a good idea
    Att4 is important
    Att5 is legitimate
    Att6 is beneficial
    Att7 is without risk
    I think this kind of corporate behavior is legally
    reprehensible… Perceived
    reprehensibility of the
    reprehensibility2 labor law infringement
    I think that labour law enforcement agencies would
    recognize that my rights are being violated.
    L. Bertrandias MPhil – Structural Equation Modelling
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