African Studies

Learning Goal: I’m working on a african studies discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Hey there,

needed to answers questions about

part one

Karenga Chapter 9 – Black Creative Production

The Orgins of Jazz, Blues and Swing


part two

Karenga Chapter 9 cont.

The Pros and Cons of Rap, Hip Hop and Celebrities


write a one-page response paper for one question. All written work should follow MLA format, 7th or 8th edition.

Requirements: to be completed


  1. Define and discuss the Black aesthetic. What are
    the two schools which developed around the issue?
    Discuss their views. What is your opinion on this?
  2. What is the Kawaida social criteria for art? Discuss
    the three criteria. What do you think about this
  3. Discuss the early relevance of rap. What are some of
    its problematic aspects? How do you assess its strong
    points and problems?
  4. What are some basic aspects of the new aesthetic
    among some African American writers? How does
    it relate to the concept of Blackness? How does it
    understand itself in relationship to social science?
    What is your opinion of this?
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