American Studies Question

Learning Goal: I’m working on a american studies report and need guidance to help me learn.

Pick two North American Indigenous nations that are in the same cultural-geographic
area. You cannot choose Indigenous nations that have been covered by the Sutton text
or a lecture as a case study. 5-7 pages plus works cited page.

Your paper will include the following topics for the two Indigenous nations you choose:
1. Origin – select an origin or other mythology story from the tribe or area you choose
that illustrates the world view or belief system of that tribe or area.
(5 points per tribe, total 10 points)

2. Subsistence – this area should include a description of the geography of the land
the tribe inhabits, their seasonal patterns, foods, housing, clothing, etc.
(5 points per tribe, total 10 points)

3. Social/Political – describe the tribal government, their kinship patterns, societies,
child-rearing practices, warfare issues.
(5 points for Social and 5 points for the Political information per tribe, total 20 points)

4. Religion and Language – describe the tribe’s ceremonials medicine and healing
practices, art, and language use.
(5 points for Religion and 5 points for Language per tribe, total 20 points)

5. Current status of the tribe today – Describe how they are doing and what they are
doing. Where do the people live in relation to their traditional homeland? What is
their population? What is their political status and/or their economic status?
(10 points per tribe)

6. Compare and Contrast: What are some common features the two tribes share?
What are the major differences? (10 points per tribes)

here’s a list of what we went over in class ( you can’t use any of these topics)

– American Indians

– hopi

– Navajo

– arctic groups

– subarctic

– plateu villages

– Great Basin people

– Spanish in california

– plains culture

– real pochatnats

– North American indigenous and non-indegnious people

– cherokee

you have to write about NorthEast culture area not Ottawa or the Haudenosaunee. you can’t choose Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, or Mohawk.

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