An opinion editorial is a written piece that expresses the author’s personal opinions, beliefs, or perspectives on a particular issue or topic.

Contemporary Issues in Curriculum


An opinion editorial is a written piece that expresses the author’s personal opinions, beliefs, or perspectives on a particular issue or topic. Unlike a standard news article, which aims to report facts objectively, this piece is meant to persuade or inform readers by presenting a well-argued viewpoint.


In this assignment feel free to use first-person pronouns (“I”) and develop an opinion editorial that clearly conveys your perspective. For this assignment you may NOT use any resources, research, or references. Do not plagiarize. The entire response should come from your thoughts.

Review this editorial: Module 5 Editorial “Questions to consider”

After reading this editorial, your assignment is to respond as you would in an opinion editorial. The document should be a minimum of 2 pages long and in your own words. Respond to each of the three themes:

Theme 1. Learning must engage students in rigorous thinking at higher levels of Bloom – analyzing, evaluating, and creating.

Theme 2. Learning is relevant when the student understands how the information or skill has some application to their life, has an opportunity to figure out their own process rather than just learn “the facts,” and is given opportunities to reflect on their work and their progress as learners.

Theme 3. The digital age has redefined literacy.

References, Proofreading, and Formatting

    • Ensure the paper meets the minimum requirement of 2 pages, excluding the cover page
    • No resources necessary
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