analysis of your first recalled awareness of cultural differences


In a 2-3 (max) paper, write a description and analysis of your first recalled awareness of cultural differences.( keep in mind I am a young 22 year old black woman born in the bronx, new york who grew up with a big black family) What is your culture? What are some of its characteristics and values? What was the other culture? What did you notice that was different? How did you feel? What have you learned since then about the differences? Explain details from your life during this realization. How old were you? Where were you? Use thick/rich description to help the reader understand the context.

Midterm Paper Rubric

  1. Does the essay clarify specific, concrete cultural differences? 4 x 3 points = 12 points

· Incorporate three (3) key terms from the previous chapters, more is fine; boldface these terms.

o Properly define and apply each term.

· Explain and describe the concrete cultural differences.

  1. Does the essay contrast real cultural experience between members of two cultural groups? 10 points

· Explain and describe both cultural groups in a clear and concise way.

· Explain and describe each cultural experience and bring in key terms from the text.

  1. Does the essay address the emotional or psychological dimension of intercultural difference? 10 points

· Make each emotional and/or psychological dimension clear and concise.

· Work in key terms from the chapters.

  1. Does the essay go beyond surface description? 10 points

· Here I want to read more than just differences in clothes, food, etc. I want to read about cultural behaviors and values, as well as the reasons for these differences. Avoid discussing a trip through multiple European countries where the only differences seem to be in the food and the hotels (this is an example of what I am not looking for) because they do not tend to address actual cultural differences that matter very much.

  1. Is the essay well-written (by college writing standards) and thoughtful? 8 points

· Essay is 2 to 2 ½ pages long, double-spaced in proper paper format.

· Your name is on your paper.

· You submitted your paper to the proper space on Bb. I do not accept work via my email.

· Your paper is in the proper document format: either .rtf,. doc., or .docx file format. I do not accept .pdf paper format.

· Properly cite all information with APA intext citations:

· Properly reference all resources cited within the paper in an APA reference section:

· Use proper APA format for this paper:

Please note that your essay must follow proper APA format.

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