ANTH 23600

Take – Home Final Exam 30% ANTH 23600 (Fall 2023) 1 Take – Home Final Exam 30% (1, 8 00 words) The Final Exam is due on S aturday , December 1 6 , by 11:59pm on Blackboard . Your essay responses should be at least 600 words per question (=1,800 words in total). For each question, you should develop an argument that specifically addresses the prompt and include the indicated class readings in your responses. As you unfold your argument(s) and analysis, you are expected to draw on and incorporate the specified course materials. Grading Rubric Your final exam essays will be assessed based on a) your deep understanding and critical reflection on central concepts, theoretical texts, and arguments analyzed in the assigned class readings and b) your ability to produce nuanced and engaging analyses o f issues pertaining to the class, c) as well as the exposition of clear arguments with appropriately referenced evidence and citations. More specifically, your Final Exam will be graded on: 1) content: the soundness of your argument, clearly responding to the prompt, and the incorporation of class readings (20%) 2) the overall structure of your response (5%) 3) your general writing (5%) Important Policies Late Submission Penalty: Exams that are submitted up to 24 hours after the deadline, will result in a 2 – point deduction; up to 48 hours after the deadline will result in a 5 – point deduction. Exams that are submitted more than 48 hours after the deadline, will not be accepted. Artificial Intelligence Class Policy: Undisclosed use of artificial intelligence (AI), such as ChatGPT, Grammarly, etc. to generate content for this course in general and specifically for your exam, will be considered academic misconduct.

Most AI – assisted writing tools including ChatGPT, come with certain biases, inaccuracies, and a generic style that can often be detected. I expect you to contribute your ideas and original writing in class. I will be available to discuss any questions or concerns you have. I am also happy to review drafts of y our final when sent within a reasonable time frame. The Writing Center can also provide valuable support in your writing process: Take – Home Final Exam 30% ANTH 23600 (Fall 2023) 2 FINAL EXAM QUESTIONS The take – home final exam is composed of four essay questions, of which you must choose three to answer . The final exam essays need to be at least 600 words long and will be typed, in 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, and double – spaced . Make sure that you answer three out of the four questions; each question needs to be at least 6 00 words. 1) What are the reasons for Japan’s silencing and negation of the traumatic experiences of “comfort women” and the role of its military as a perpetrator of wartime sexual slavery? (600 words) Required Reading (Week 12) Kazue (2016) “The ‘Comfort Women’ Issue and the Embedded Culture of Sexual Violence in Contemporary Japan,” Current Sociology 64(4), pp. 620 – 636. 2) In what way Zanele Muholi and Kara Walker’s art is challenging the hypervisibility and simultaneous invisibility of the Black and queer communities , historically and at present ? (600 words) Required Reading s (Week 14) Sharpe (2010) “ Kara Walker’s Monstrous Intimacies” (Ch. 4), pp. 153 – 166 (top of the page) , Monstrous Intimacies: Making Post – slavery subjects , Duke University Press. Salley (2012) “Zanele Muholi’s elements of survival,” African Arts , 45(4), pp. 58 – 69. 3) In what way indigenous women in Bolivia have contributed to the mining industry and local economies? (600 words) Required Reading (Week 8) G ó mez – Barris (2017) “ Decolonial Gestures: Anarcho – Feminist Indigenous Critique” (Ch. 5). The Extractive Zone . Durham: Duke University Press, pp. 110 – 125. General Guidelines: ü The final exam essays need to be at least 600 words in length and will be typed, in 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double – spaced with 1 – inch margins , and pages numbered. ü It is fine if your responses are longer, but they cannot be shorter than the specified word requirement. ü You need to include proper bibliographic citations; that means that you need to cite your sources not only when you are using a direct quote, but also when you refer to a specific idea/argument, or when you rely on certain facts or evidence presented in the paper. You are strongly advised to avoid using direct quotations that are longer than a couple of sentences (per response). ü Please use, the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition , more info here: or any other standard referencing style (APA, MLA, Harvard). APA in – text citation style uses the author’s last name and the year of publication, for example: (Field, 2005). For direct quotations, include the page number as well, for example: (Field, 2005, p. 14). More information can be found here: Take – Home Final Exam 30% ANTH 23600 (Fall 2023) 3 – resources/citing – sources/apa – style – quick – guide – 2020 ü Make sure that the last page / section of your exam is a References Cited or Bibliography page following the Chicago Manual of Style or any other standard referencing style (APA, MLA, Harvard). ü Carefully review and proofread your written work. ü Upload your exams as a PDF or Word doc. on Blackboard.

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