Ask ChatGPT to provide you with q ues tions on topics covered in this cours e which you find challenging or where you feel the need to test your comprehension. Use the syntax prescribed abo ve. Take snapshots of the q uestions, your answer s and Chat GPT ’s response 

The AI Shakedown Project Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been rapidly advancing and is increasingly impacting daily life in various ways. For example , personal assistants (e. g. Alexa , Siri ) are being ut ilized to ma ke daily livin g more convenient while AI -driven weather prediction and climate modeling tools are being used to tackle environmental challenges. In man y workplace s, A I also is being used to develop reports, grant proposals and instructional manuals. In education, AI also is being applied t o personalized learning platforms that adapt to students’ individual learning needs. While AI brings many benefits , it also raises some ethical concerns regarding its fair, responsible , and safe use. Many i ndividuals, groups and organizations have therefore devel oped their own policies or practices pertaining to the responsible and ethical use of AI . The objective s of the AI Shakedown proj ect are to (1) to exp ose students to appl ications of AI technology that adheres to the course honor policy, (2) evaluate the strengths and limitations of AI for personalized learning app lications and (3) evaluate the strengths and limitations of AI for summarizing important points from researc h studies. Part 1. AI -assisted learning ( 20 pts) Over view In this ac tivity, you will use ChatGPT AI as a su pplemen tary tool to help prepare you for upcoming tests in this course (i.e. Exam 2, Final s, qu izzes ). You m ust first create a free account . . Here is a tutorial on how to use ChatGPT. One way you can harness the power of A I in p reparing for tests is to ask it to generate questions related to the subject matter you are studying. In my exper ience, you m ust ask very specific q uestions to ensure that it prov ides appr opriate que stions. Use this synta x to formulate these questions : Ask me a colleg e level , critical thinking qu estion on . Ask me a colleg e level , co ncept ual qu estion on . Ask me a colleg e level , applicat ion -type qu estion on . Here is an example of an act ual stud y session with ChatGPT . User quest ion: Ask me a colleg e level , critical thinking qu estion on the RA AS Pathway. You will next attempt to answer this question . O nce yo u are satisfied with your an swer , press en ter . Chat GPT will provide feedback on your answer. It will let you know w hether your an swer is accurate , inc omplete or inaccurate . It also will state wh y. W hat is the deliverable for this ac tivity ? Follow these steps to generate the deliver ables for this as sign ment. Step 1: Ask ChatGPT to provide you with q ues tions on topics covered in this cours e which you find challenging or where you feel the need to test your comprehension. Use the syntax prescribed abo ve. Take snapshots of the q uestions, your answer s and Chat GPT ’s response . Paste these snap shots into a Powerpo int file . Refer to the template in C anvas assignments . You mus t attempt to answer at least five AI -generated questions from at least two different modules (Module 1 onwa rds are all eligible ). For example, you can answer tw o questions regarding the module on the cardi ac cycle and 3 qu estio ns o n the module on skeletal b iology . For these five qu estions , ther e should a substantial attempt to adequately answer these questions. A respons e of “I do n’t know ” or somethi ng similar will make this question non – eligible in meeting the 5-question requirement. Step 2 : In the last page of the slide, provide a “user rev iew ” based on your experience with using ChatG PT to stud y for a test . The user review sh ould no t exceed one page. Use Ca libri or Arial font 14 to 16 . Address the following criteria or guide q uestions in reviewing ChatGPT. 1. Did it provide helpful qu estions? 2. Did the questions adequately challenge you ? 3. Will you cons ider using th is tool in your future stu dy preparations? Expla in you r answer . 4. Was the AI ’s feedback adequate and a ppr opria te? Or, was the fee dback too general? Step 3: Submit the powerpo int file as an assignment in Canvas. On ly .pptx f ile formats are accepted. No .pdfs or .key extension names are allowed. Follow this file naming con dition. AI assisted l ear ning.pptx ; Sm ith AI assisted learning.pptx Inability to ad here to the file naming forma t will le ad to a 3 point ded uction. How will my submission be eval uated ? You will be eval uated as follows : Res ponse to quest ions 5 pts There was a genuine attemp t to answer the q uestions (even if the answers were incor rect or incomplete ) Questions were selected from at least 2 mod ules Five eligible questions were included in the submission We ll-developed review 10 pts The user review adequately addressed the guide questions/ criteria in step 2 Formatting and organization 5 pts The file naming convention and format was followed The slide s are rea dable and the screensh ots were pasted in an orga nized manner Proper use of grammar and punct uation ___ _______________ Total : 20 pts Part 2 : Assessing AI ’s ability to in terpret scienti fic data (2 0 pts) One of the current and g rowing uses of AI is i n forming conclusions from a set of comp lex information . There are a number of questions on such a fut ure. Exampl es include: Is it ultimately bene ficial to an individual to predominantly rely on AI to formulate conclusions and judgements from complex information? W ill critical thinking , sc ientific reas oning , and reading comprehension be less value d in the fu ture education al system and work place ? Are users of certain services comfo rtable with the use of AI in the administration of such service s (e.g. driverless taxis )? Are certain “huma n jobs ” at risk of being replaced by AI? There are a pletho ra of opinions re garding these . While a discuss ion of such issues is bey on d the sc ope o f this course , students w ill be emp ow ered to educate themselves on the strengths and limitation s of AI to inform their decision s on its use. In this ac tivity, you will test Ch atGPT AI ’s ability to form concl usions re garding a complex set of data such as that of a published sci entific stud y. The researc h article s that will be selected in this activity are related to some of the c oncepts that you have learned in this course . W hat is the deliverable for this ac tivity ? Follow these steps to generate the deliver ables for this as sign ment. 1. Select on e r esea rch article you are most in terested in from th ese options . Refer to the choices in the last page of this shee t. Dow nload the PDF. Read the research article. 2. Using the cursor tool of Adobe reade r or Acrobat, select the hypothesis of t he research article a nd paste it into the MS Word file that came with the Canvas assignment . Whenever applicable, i nclude the s pell ed out term and its acronym in the hypothesis. e.g. … Diabet ic nephropathy (DN) … 3. Using the cursor tool of Adobe Reade r or Acrobat, s elect all the text from the results section. You may have to do these in batches since figures and tables may be interspersed with in the results section . Paste this text into the M S Word file. Save the MS Word file . Do not include the tables , figures, captions , and discussion . 4. Once you have all the text pasted into MS Word, you can now reformat the text to create a query for Cha t GPT. The following query should all be in one par agrap h. Follow this syntax : A stu dy hypoth esized that . Are the following results consistent with the hypothesis? Ex plain your answer. . 5. Paste the abovementioned query into ChatGPT. 6. Copy the response of Chat GPT into the doc file . Click on the copy (clipboard ) icon on the upper right co rner of Chat GPT ’s response fi eld. Paste the tex t into the doc file . 7. Format the text so that all of the text is in Times New Roman or Calibri font 12 . The document should look consistent and nea t. Mak e needed edits to style as needed. 8. On the las t page of the .doc x file, create a user rev iew regarding this task. In th e review, address the following criteria or guide q uestions . The user review should be between 3/4 to one full page in Time s New Roman or Calibri f ont 12. 8.1. Do you agree with Chat GPT ’s deter mination on whether the resul ts were consistent with the hypothesis of the study ? In othe r words : In your ow n readi ng of the research article, did you arrive at the same conclusion as ChatGPT? 8.2. Were the justifications (summary of results , argum ents ) provided by C hat GPT consistent with the act ual results that were reported ? 8.3. Did C hatGPT provide an adequ ate discussion on how it arrived at i ts answer? 8.4. Did ChatGPT miss any nuances prese nte d in the research article ? Ex plain . 9. Submit the MS Word file as an assignment in Canvas. On ly . doc x f ile formats are accepted. Files with .pdf and .key extension names are not allowed . Follow this file naming con dition. AI assisted l ear ning. do cx; Sm ith AI Complex da ta interpretation .pptx Inability to ad here to the file naming forma t will le ad to a 3 point ded uction. How will my submission be eval uated ? You will be eval uated as follows : Thoughtful analysis of AI ’s strengths and limitations 15 pts The user review adequately addressed the guide questions/ criteria in #8 . Formatting and organization 5 pts The file naming convention and format was followed The text is rea dable and organized Margins and unwanted spaces were removed from the doc file Proper use of grammar and punct uation ___ _______________ Total : 20 pts Ar ticles for selection a. Repurposing the mucolytic agent ambroxol for treatment of sub -acute and chronic ischaemic stroke b. Bone -protective effects of dried pl um in postmenopausal w omen: efficacy and possible mechanis ms -6643/9/5/496 c. Dop aminergic Modulation of Goal -Directed Behavior in a Rodent Model of Attention – Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder d. Galantamine improves glycemic control and d iabetic nephropathy in Lepr db/db mice e. Organic cation transporter 2 contributes to SSR I antidepressant efficacy by controlli ng tryptophan availability in the brain les/s41398 -023 -02596 -y f. Plasma cells promote osteoclastogenesis and periarticular bone loss in autoimmune arthritis g. Latent virus reactivation in astronauts on the international space station -017 -0015 -y h. Selective Inhibition of the C -Domain of ACE (Angiotensin -Converting Enzyme) Combined With Inhibi tion of NEP (Neprilysin): A Potential New Therapy for Hypertension

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