Assignment 2: Forecasting


This assignment will test your knowledge of basic statistical concepts, the components of time series data, and using a correlogram for model selection.


Submit your answers to all questions in a Word document. Download the data sets and use Excel to solve the problems.

Question 1. Thirty graduate students were asked how many credit hours they were taking in the current quarter. Download the available dataDownload Download the available data

  1. Calculate the mean, median, standard deviation, variance, and range for this sample using Excel. Write a sentence explaining what each measure means.
  2. What is the standard error of the mean based on the data?
  3. What would be the best point estimate for the population credit hours? (“Population” refers to all graduate students’ credit hours in the universe.)
  4. What is the 95% confidence interval for the means of credit hours? What is the 90% confidence interval?

Question 2. An investment manager has been working on a report for forecasting Apple stock price. Your job is to help him to determine whether there is a trend and/or seasonality in Apple stock prices. Download the dataDownload Download the data

  1. Prepare a time series plot of these data. (In Word document as well as in Excel)
  2. Include a trend line using the Excel Analysis ToolPak. On the basis of your analysis, do you think there is a significant trend in Apple stock prices? Explain.

Watch the following video to learn how to add a trendline:

Watch the video: How to Add a TrendlineLinks to an external site.

  1. Is there seasonality? Explain.
  2. What forecasting method might be appropriate for Apple stock prices according to the guidelines provided in your Table 2.1 (Chapter 2, page 58) of your textbook? (Textbook: J. Holton Wilson and Barry P. Keating, Forecasting and Predictive Analytics with ForecastX, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill Publishers, 2018. ISBN: 9781259903915)

Question 3. The given figure is the correlogram for the total number of houses in the U.S. (quarterly data).

Correlogram of US property values

On the basis of the correlogram, do you think there is a significant trend? Explain.


  • Submit your answers in a Word document.
  • Submit the Excel files to show your calculations.
  • Include the relevant graphs of actual and forecast values of the series. Please do not forget to title your graph.

Submit your calculations and answers in a 1–3-page document and spreadsheet to the Dropbox by Due Date.

Evaluation Criteria

All forecasting assignments together make up 24% of the total course score. This assignment is worth 40 points. Here is the rubric  Download rubricfor the assignment.

View Rubric

Forecasting Assignment Rubric
Evidence the problem was understoodview longer description6 ptsExemplary PerformanceShows very good understanding of the problem and its solution technique4 ptsAt or Above AverageShows sound understanding of the problem2 ptsAt or Below AverageShows limited understanding of the problem0 ptsLow PerformanceShows very limited or no understanding of the problem/ 6 pts
Techniqueview longer description10 ptsExemplary PerformanceVery effective use of technique; uses forecasting techniques efficiently while justifying the solution7.5 ptsAt or Above AverageEffective use of technique; uses appropriate technique, but some parts of the technique or summary statistics left unexplained5 ptsAt or Below AverageLimited use of appropriate techniques; is not precise in using forecasting technique2.5 ptsLow PerformanceVery limited use of technique; uses unsuitable techniques or simple manipulation of the data in attempting to find a solution/ 10 pts
Answerview longer description10 ptsExemplary PerformanceAll correct answers, all requested explanations perfectly presented7.5 ptsAt or Above AverageMost answers correct, but incomplete explanations or incorrect reasoning5 ptsAt or Below AverageMost answers incorrect, appropriate techniques2.5 ptsLow PerformanceIncorrect answers, inappropriate techniques/ 10 pts
Completionview longer description8 ptsExemplary PerformanceAll parts of the assignment completed6 ptsAt or Above AverageMost parts of the assignment completed4 ptsAt or Below AverageSome parts of the assignment completed2 ptsLow PerformanceFew to no parts of assignment completed/ 8 pts
Organization and Neatnessview longer description6 ptsExemplary PerformanceClear organization with few or no grammar or spelling errors4 ptsAt or Above AverageClear organization with some grammar or spelling errors2 ptsAt or Below AverageClear organization with significant grammar and spelling errors0 ptsLow PerformanceUnclear organization with significant grammar and spelling errors/ 6 pts
Total Points: 0

Requirements: 1–3-page word document and spreadsheets

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