At the BACB web site, watch the introductory video “About Behavior Analysis.” At the same site, review the fact sheets on subspecialties of practice in ABA (there are also videos associated with these fact sheets which you may want to review).

For this discussion, you will read pages 19-23 in Cooper et al., 2020, the introductory chapter in Case Studies in Applied Behavior Analysis for Students and Adults with Disabilities, and review resources and information at the BACB website’s “About Behavior Analysis” page.

  • At the BACB web site, watch the introductory video “About Behavior Analysis.” At the same site, review the fact sheets on subspecialties of practice in ABA (there are also videos associated with these fact sheets which you may want to review).
  • After your review, choose three subspecialties in ABA. Describe the goals of each of these subspecialties and discuss how practice in these areas supports the Cooper et al. (2020) description of ABA.
  • Finally, refer to Figure 1.3 (Improving people’s quality of life from A to Z) in chapter 1 of Cooper et al. (2020). Considering the historical perspective provided in the Watson (1913) reading and the futuristic perspective described by Bailey (2000), along with the overview of the goals of ABA presented by Storey and Haymes (2017), discuss how practice in these varied areas contributes to a “science devoted to understanding and improving human behavior” (Cooper et al., 2020). Be sure to use the various readings and resources to support your work throughout
  • Please, minimun of 300 words
  • Text: Applied Behavior Analysis, Cooper et al. (2020) describe applied behavior analysis (ABA) as “a science devoted to understanding and improving human behavior”
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