Author: admin
What skills (teamwork, technology, communication, etc.) did you develop and/or strengthen? ASU

I included the instructions from the syllabus. Please read thoroughly and Include all issues that the instructor wants addressed, 6-8 references with 3 of them being peered reviewed the rest can be regular references, include an abstract. If…
Read More »Identify the communication strategy used and analyze ethical aspects surrounding Captain Crozier’s decision to widely disseminate the letter

Captain Crozier, Commander of the USS Theodore Roosevelt, wrote and distributed a controversial letter in March of 2020 that pleaded for help for crew members stricken by the COVID-19 virus. The communication was sent to several recipients and eventually…
Read More »Co-op Training Program

Academic Report Guideline(Co-op)(please do not include this text in the final report, just follow its guidelines and use the cover page above) The report should be submitted within two weeks after you finish your Co-op training Program.In addition,…
Read More »Describe your personal lived experiences outside of work and educational experiences

ExperienceDescribe your personal lived experiences outside of work and educational experiences. Include how this inspires you to become a nurse and what this teaches you about the commitment and drive it takes to be a successful and committed…
Read More »Technology Integration Learning Plan Liberty

Technology Integration Learning Plan Assignment Instructions Overview The goal of this assignment is to create a learning/lesson plan for a single 50-60 minute instructional session where technology is integrated in meaningful ways that will help your learners gain…
Read More »SEO Marketing

Focused on SEO In this project, the student is exposed to an Air France Business Case that discusses the company’s online marketing situation at the time of the case study. Furthermore, while reading the business case, each student…
Read More »Planning for Capital Investments” of Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts

For this assignment, refer to the scenario located in “Problems – Series A” section 10-19A of Ch. 10, “Planning for Capital Investments” of Fundamental Managerial Accounting Concepts. This scenario puts you at the task as a Senior Accountant for Donovan Enterprises…
Read More »EBITDA multiple

The company I originally chose to analyze was DoorDash Inc, please use DoorDash Inc to compare with other companies. The spreadsheet must be completed with 5 separate comparable companies and provide a written analysis as to: a) How…
Read More »calculate the Equity Value

Assignment #3, Comparable Companies For my comparable companies I chose Brystol-Myers Squibb, Merk & Co., SpectrumPharmaceuticals, Celgene Corporation, Incyte Corporation, and United TherapeuticsCorporation. Brystol-Myers Squibb and Merk & Co. are direct competitors of Seattle Genetics asthey have drugs…
Read More »Nurse Burnout Prevention

The Practice Change is Nurse Burnout Prevention. Please, I need 2 Pages with Subheadings, intext citations, Gantt Chart, and Plagiarism free. ASSIGNMENT: Select an appropriate project management tool (for example: a Gantt chart or other tool) to design…
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