Author: admin

Project Management

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Which side would you take in the debate between Huerta and Calder?Does it make sense to jump directly into project coding and early prototypes inorder to discover “messes” (unanticipated issues) early—that is, “to fail fast tosucceed sooner”? Can…

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The Value of IT

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How do IT investments create value or enable value creation?How might we get a quantitative handle on the level of value provided by IT?What light does the consultants’ report shed on the matter of Davies’s firing andthe subsequent…

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The Cost of IT

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Are IT applications an asset or an expense?What is the main purpose of allocating IT costs to user departments?What is an appropriate percentage of the IT budget to spend on maintenance?As a percentage of sales, how much should…

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CIO Leadership

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Do you agree that IT management might be different from management ofother functions?What did Barton learn from his trip to the bookstore and late night of studying?What depth of IT understanding must a CIO leader have to be…

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CIO Challenges

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How do you interpret the kid’s advice: “You’ve got to know what you don’tknow”?Why do you think Davies got fired? How likely is it that Barton will be firedwithin the year?What kinds of questions should Barton be asking…

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The New CIO

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How do you interpret the kid’s advice: “You’ve got to know what you don’tknow”?Why do you think Davies got fired? How likely is it that Barton will be firedwithin the year?What kinds of questions should Barton be asking…

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