Based on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, the following similarities and differences can be observed between Denmark, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico

1. Based on Hofstede’s cultural dimensions, the following similarities and differences can be observed between Denmark, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico:


  • Both Saudi Arabia (60) and Mexico (69) score relatively high on the Masculinity dimension, indicating a cultural preference for achievement, heroism, assertiveness, and material rewards in these societies (JD, 2023).
  • Long-Term Orientation: Denmark (35) and Saudi Arabia (36) have similar, moderately low scores while Mexico (24) scores even lower. This suggests a tendency towards short-term thinking, a focus on quick results, and a preference for maintaining traditions across these three cultures.


  • Denmark scores very low on Power Distance (18), while Saudi Arabia (95) and Mexico (81) score very high, indicating a stark contrast in the acceptance and expectations of unequal power distribution in society and organizations.
  • In contrast, Denmark (74) and Mexico (30) rated higher in Individualism than Saudi Arabia (25), which is indicative of individual rights and liberty being prioritized more in Denmark and Mexico than in Saudi Arabia, with their collectivist culture.
  • Denmark (23) has the lowest rank in uncertainty avoidance compared to other countries, Saudi Arabia (80) and Mexico (82), where people hesitate to adopt new situations and conditions different from their customary life.
  • Denmark (35) and Saudi Arabia (36) scored meagre in Long Term Orientation, with Mexico (24) scoring even lower, expressing a more significant push to short-term thinking and a stronger focus on short-term gains in the Mexican culture.
  • Indulgence in Denmark (70) is significantly higher than in Mexico (97) and Saudi Arabia (52), which indicates that Danish culture is restrained and indulgent compared to the other two.

2. The cultural dimensions of Denmark, Saudi Arabia, and Mexico can significantly impact leadership styles, behaviours, and decision-making processes in the following ways:


  • This culture, characterized by an emphasis on consultative and participative leadership styles, suits an organization whose workers are proactive and want to participate in the organizational decision-making processes.
  • The low Uncertainty Avoidance score shows that leaders of this society are ready to take risks and to adopt changes. This may cause innovative and entrepreneurial leadership approaches (Hofstede, 2021).
  • With the higher indulgence score, the leadership style might be more casual and relaxed, where the work-life balance and well-being of the employees are given a more critical role.

Saudi Arabia

  • This high score in Power Distance and low scores in Individualism indicate that leadership is more hierarchical and authoritarian-centred in decision making, and leaders need to be directive and as well as paternalistic.
  • The high Uncertainty avoidance score indicates a preferable stable and structured environment, where leaders are very risk-oriented and concentrated on maintaining the current situation.
  • The Masculinity markedly high score and Indulgence low score may indicate an assertive, goal-oriented leadership style, with a significant focus on achievement and material success.


  • The high-power distance and moderately high individualism scores indicate a leader who is willing to exercise their authority and individualize while at the same time involving team members in the making of decisions and the chores.
  • The high Uncertainty Avoidance score suggests a regulation and the norm, which is good enough for leaders to answer the questions and reduce uncertainty.
  • The high degree of Masculinity and Indulgence shows that the leader tends to be expressive and assertive, with the goal of success and pleasure.

Concerning what factors mainly influence leadership qualities, it is evident that high power distance and uncertainty avoidance are the most impactful. Countries with high Power Distance scores usually prefer authoritarian and directive leadership, while those with low scores indicate a participative and consultative approach (McCauley & Palus 2021). Similarly, high cultures with Uncertainty Avoidance will appreciate stable and structured leaders, but low cultures will be looking for more adaptable and open-minded leaders.


Hofsted. (2021). Compare Countries—Hofstede Insights. 2020.,mexico,saudi-arabia/

JD, D. (2023). Cross-Cultural Leadership Studies.

McCauley, C. D., & Palus, C. J. (2021). Developing the theory and practice of leadership development: A relational view. The Leadership Quarterly32(5), 101456.

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