Based on these readings and adaptation clips, how “true” to the text is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book? Please point to specific scenes/moments to support your statement.

1. Read Chapters 1, 4, 5, and 11-14 from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Download Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(attached file ) .

2. Watch these parts of Willy Wonka

Charlie’s Home and backstoryLinks to an external site. (3 min)

Finding the Golden TicketLinks to an external site. (approx. 3 min)

Meeting WonkaLinks to an external site. (approx. 3 min)

The Oompa LoompasLinks to an external site. (around 1 min. 1. Read Chapters 1, 4, 5, and 11-14 from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Download Charlie and the Chocolate Factory(The attached file).

2. Watch these parts of Willy Wonka

Charlie’s Home and backstory. (3 min)

Finding the Golden Ticket. (approx. 3 min)

Meeting Wonka. (approx. 3 min)

The Oompa Loompas. (around 1 min)

Based on these readings and adaptation clips, how “true” to the text is Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory to Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book? Please point to specific scenes/moments to support your statement. Response in one paragraph.

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