Based on what you have read and what you know about the field, how did the classical school influence criminal justice organizations?

Question 1: Synopsize DeCarlo and Dlugolenski Page 177 to 187 (at least 450 words).

Question 2: Consider the article by Astley and Zammuto (1992) and write a short journal entry (300-500 words) addressing all of the following questions:

  • What are the authors’ key arguments?
  • Does organizational science have the potential to guide managerial practice?
  • What are the key challenges to bridging the gap between organizational scientists and managers? Are these issues prevalent in criminal justice organizations?

Question 3: Using the assigned readings on the application of Classical Theory to answer the following questions (300-500 words):

  1. Based on what you have read and what you know about the field, how did the classical school influence criminal justice organizations? Do you think that these influences are still present? Why or why not?
  2. Choose the applied work of either Wilson, Smith, or Pound, and discuss how that work relates to Fayol’s theoretical work. Discuss both consistencies and inconsistencies between the theoretical and applied work.
  3. Describe one example of how Taylor’s theoretical work has been applied to either policing or courts.
  4. Discuss 1 or 2 shortcomings of the Classical School perspective that became apparent through their application to practical issues in CJ management.

Question 4: The second topic in this first module of the course presents an introduction to the Classical School of management theory. The classical school is composed of a set of ideas about management that emerged during the industrial revolution. These ideas were specifically oriented toward the large organizations that came about during the period. The classical school includes three primary sets of ideas: scientific management, administrative principles, and bureaucratic organization. Excerpts from writings from Fayol and Taylor are included in this unit as examples. When reading this material, keep in mind that the classical school makes certain assumptions about the behavior of individuals. Understanding these assumptions is fundamental to seeing the linkages between the different ideas within the school. Equally important is understanding what the fundamental assumptions of the classical school deny as important to individuals (i.e., what values, motivations, etc. does the perspective ignore and therefore assume are unimportant to employees?). Upon completion of the readings, think about how this material might apply to CJ organizations.

After completing the required readings, write a short blog post (700-1000 words) in which you address all of the following:

  • What are the common themes (common tenets/assumptions) that define this perspective on management? Why are these authors classified together as the classical school?
  • Identify and discuss the core similarities and differences between each of the classical school authors.
  • How might the principles discussed by each author be applied to CJ organizations?
  • What are some general shortcomings of the Classical School?

Question 5: After completing the required readings for this topic, write a journal entry (1,000 words) in which you address all of the following:

  • How did the neo-classical school criticize the classical school?
  • Does the neo-classical approach invalidate the classical school? In other words, if the neo-classical approach is correct, does that mean that the classical approach is necessarily incorrect?
  • Which of these two schools is more appropriate and useful for describing CJ organizations? Why?
  • Which school provides better guidance for management in CJ organizations? Why is it better?
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