behavior change program

Your health goal was to increase water intake from 8 ounces of water to 72 ounces of water

Final behavior change report (max full 4 pages double-spaced) Prepare a report of your behavior change program that includes the following sections.

a) Introduction:Introduction summarizes the health behavior change general goal and SMART objectives, reason, and individual and interpersonal theories used. Include a thorough description of the theoretical foundation of your self-study. Include both the individual-level and interpersonal behavior change theories you chose. Describe how those theories apply to your health goal (approximately 1 paragraph).

b) Methods: The implementation plan is well described, references two recent research articles that took a similar approach or implied such an approach is appropriate. Include briefly how you planned to change your behavior based on the theory described in the introduction, and how you evaluated your progress (approximately 1 paragraph).

c) Results: Describe the results of your intervention. Describe how the results might be different had you applied the interpersonal theory (approximately 1 page).

d) Reflection: Summarize and reflect upon your health intervention, including what this personal intervention tells you about the theories, how to apply them, some limitations/challenges, and what you would do differently the next time (approximately 1 page).

e) Future: Imagine you are applying your intervention in a community. Discuss how the socio-ecological framework and/or any of other community-level theories and processes would inform what you might do to make this intervention effective for a whole community. Include any thoughts on cultural adaptations that should be considered (1 page or less).

f) Graph/Table/Visual and References: Include a final graph, table or other visual that summarizes your results, and include in-text citations and a list of references for the theories and any other concepts or descriptions that were not your own original work. Use APA style for the graph / table, all intext citation, and references.

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