Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois  Essay Prompt:

Booker T. Washington and Dubois had distinct views on what they believed was best for African American advancement. You must pick one person Du Bois or Washington to do the following . Your essay will identify 3 major claims of the thinker that identifies his strategy and approach to Black advancement.  After briefly identifying them you will respond to criticisms of those claims. What were Du Bois’ / Washington’s criticisms of the other’s  vision of education for African Americans? Why, specifically, did Du Bois/ Washington’s  believe the others educational focus to be problematic? In addition you must use a minimum of two speeches in your essay .  No outside research or material is needed do not quote from outside material   .   

When you cite  speech / text either provide footnote or parenthetical citation I will allow (Author , Title Page number  )

In a well thought out essay:

●  Write a claim in response to the prompt.

●  Support your claim by using evidence and background reading.

●  Be sure to explain how the evidence you have chosen supports your claim

●  Incorporate an additional piece of evidence that argues against your claim

and use your evidence to counter that opposing claim.

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