Brand Activation Assignment

The branding agency you work for has been hired to create a brand activation creative pitch deck for Brand X. You are the lead for this brand activation project. You will design a brand activation event with the foundation of sensorial experiences. Deliver a pitch deck (powerpoint presentation), and a 1-page memo on the strategy and concept for the brand activation. Additionally, you will also submit a video presentation. You must be in the video presentation.


  1. Touch (Texture)
  2. Smell
  3. Sight (Visualization)
  4. Taste
  5. Sound

Max 15 slides for your deck (ONLY on Canva – no PPTX)

Your Budget: $45K

Company: Your choice (does not have to be publicly traded)

Weighting (% of final grade): 60%


For the memo, you can address it to the CEO or CMO of the brand you will be working on. Use a WORD document in 11-point Times New Roman font. Single space. The memo format is attached.

The video’s max time is 7 minutes. You should try and hit 6 minutes. Do not go over 7 minutes. Place the YouTube link of your video in the comments section of the assignment.

You have three attempts for this assignment.

What I am looking for?

I am looking for you to bring all of your creative energy to this assignment. A brand activation is an opportunity for a brand to pitch and tell its story to its existing and potential customers. Walk me through your process through sensorial experiences and why this is important to the brand.


  1. Power point Presentation
  2. YouTube video link
  3. Microsoft Word Document

Requirements: follow instruction

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