Brief survey of family history


For this assignment, you will write an essay following the autobiographical sketch outlined below. Your paper should be no less than two pages and no more than three pages (not including title page). This information will be kept confidential between your professor and Social Work Program Faculty and will be kept in your Social Work Program file. (I have uploaded a little background about myself to help with this)


  1. Brief survey of family history
  2. Personal educational experience
  3. Personal work experience
  4. Personal areas of perceived strength (specific)
  5. Personal areas of perceived need for improvement (specific)
  6. Personal approaches to dealing with stress and anxiety and your evaluation of those approaches
  7. Ways in which you feel you learn best
  8. Habits, styles, and characteristics that hinder your learning
  9. Outcomes you are hoping and/or expecting from this course
  10. Why you have chosen or are checking out Social Work (If a different major, why you chose this course)
  11. Identify at least two experiences/factors (family, socioeconomic class, race/ethnicity, education, travel, religion, others) that have influenced who you are today


  • Typed in APA format
  • Double-spaced in 12-point
  • Title Page with page number, and appropriate information.
  • No Reference Page needed for this assignment
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About the Author: admin