Business Question

Submit your 3- to 5-page write-up, being sure to address all components within each of the following sections:

Analyzing Others’ Personal Codes of Ethics

  • Analyze the personal codes of ethics of other individuals. Address the following:
    • Select two examples of personal codes of ethics (or codes of conduct) that you located online and attach them as appendices to your paper.
    • For each example, identify at least two specific aspects that resonate with you and/or that you would find helpful in guiding behavior as a manager. Additionally, for each example, provide at least one specific area that you believe could be improved.

Creating Your Personal Code of Ethics

  • Create your personal code of ethics. Address the following:
    • Identify 3–5 core beliefs, values, or principles that will guide your behavior and decision making as a manager.
    • Propose 2–3 specific behaviors for each belief, value, or principle to show how they are demonstrated in action. (Note: Behaviors are specific actions that are observable by others.) Begin each proposed behavior with the phrase “I will…”
  • Reflecting on your past experiences when you have had to make ethical choices, how will having a clearly defined personal code of ethics help you clarify your choices and make your decisions in the future?

You as a Change Agent

  • Propose how you will use your code of ethics to be an even more effective agent for positive social change. Be sure to include specific examples and details to support your assertion.
  • Describe how using your emotional intelligence, as well as other management and leadership skills, can help you be more effective as a change agent. Be sure to include specific examples and details to support your assertion.

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