Business question

For this forum, choose two discussion questions that ask you to analyze Mystic River in light of the analysis presented in “Revenge and Masculinity.”

  • Your responses should refer to details from the film and article, and use at least one quote.
  • Your responses should be at least 8 sentences.

Discussion Question 1:

It is clear that Mystic River is a film primarily about boys who become men. Yet, as Berkowitz and Cornell explain in their essay, these males types have significant relationships to daughters and wives drive them in their lives, personalities, and decisions. You may have also read about the history of representing women in cinema in the previous discussion on our OER textbook Moving Pictures.

Using the “Revenge and Masculinity” article OR the “Women in Cinema” chapter from Moving Pictures, analyze the representation of women in this film. You may focus on a specific characater or consider them together. How are women portrayed? What is their role relative to the men in the film? How does this reflect cultural norms and are there any moments that trouble these norms? How do these dynamics raise other questions and themes?

Feel free to agree, disagree, extend, push back, etc. on the ideas from the article or chapter by focusing on a primary quote.

Your response should also refer to specific details and scenes from the film.

Discussion Question 2:

As Berkowitz and Cornell explain in their essay, Mystic River is organized around different portrayals of masculinity and male types. Given the childhood trauma of sexual assault, the authors assert one of the main preoccupations of the film is the “heternormative fantasy that conflates masculinity with impenetribility” (126). Yet even if this is the overarching question, the film presents three really different men.

Using the “Revenge and Masculinity” article to build your ideas, focus on one of the main characters, Dave, Jimmy, or Sean, to analyze their presentation of masculinity. What kind of man is he? How does this reflect his background and environment? How does this character’s trajectory raise other questions and themes?

Feel free to agree, disagree, extend, push back, etc. on the ideas from the article by focusing on a primary quote.

Your response should also refer to specific details and scenes from the film.

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