Case Study

To begin this assignment, you must first read the case, “A.P. Moller – Maersk Group: Evaluating Strategic Talent Management Initiatives.” After you become familiar with the case, you will need to gather information for the Needs Assessment Report, such as company background, purpose of the needs assessment, and study methods. Finally, you will need to summarize the data and provide training recommendations for company.

The purpose of this discussion board is for students to think critically about the information they are given in the case and develop key recommendations for the company. Each student must develop an original response in the discussion forum where they list three (3) recommendations related to employee training and development and explain why each recommendation is needed. You must provide evidentiary support from the case and from two (2) other sources, such as the course textbook and a research article.

Please use a Bold font for your recommendations and write your explanations beneath each recommendation in regular font.


Werner, J. M., Human Resource development, talent management (8th ed.), Mason, OH; Cengage Learning.

ISBN-13: 9780357512524

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