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Case Study Melinda

Candidates will read case studies or watch a video that represent issues and challenges faced by school counselors in applying counseling techniques in P-12 school environments and submit reflections. (2-page minimum per submission). You can use the questions…

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Information is everywhere and there is a glut of opinions, news, and data on the internet when making a decision.

Information is everywhere and there is a glut of opinions, news, and data on the internet when making a decision. Some of this information is accurate and is free of bias while other information exists just to manipulate…

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What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of biometric authentication?

1. What are some of the advantages and disadvantages of biometric authentication? 2. What concerns should privacy advocates have about biometrics? Do you agree or disagree with the concerns? 3. How can the accuracy of two biometric systems…

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Discuss the challenges and limitations of applying ethical theories in real-world scenarios, such as conflicting values, cultural differences, and uncertainty about outcomes.

Please respond to the following prompts using at least 15- 20 sentences EACH. Be sure to include any references. The rubric is attached. Requirements: 15-20 sentences each

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What is wrong with the assumption that high-stakes standardized tests provide an accurate measure of teaching and learning? What do these tests really seem to be measuring?

1. What is wrong with the assumption that high-stakes standardized tests provide an accurate measure of teaching and learning? What do these tests really seem to be measuring? 2. How are standardized testing and IQ testing connected to racial inequality and…

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Quantitative Study Critique Form

In Week 3, you learned how to ethically evaluate a research study. This week, you will continue to learn to critique a research study, exploring the strengths, weaknesses, and clinical applicability, along with considering ethics. Select 1 of…

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How did the rescue team respond to the risks of the project?

Assignment Workload: Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes: After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to understand the Assignment-3: Case Study Assignment Case study Question:                                                                 (Marks 10) Please read the Case-8.3 “Tham Luang Cave Rescue.”  from Chapter 8 “Scheduling Resources…

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Dietary Reference Intakes

Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to learn how to analyze your 3-day diet and compare the intakes to the Dietary Reference Intakes (DRIs). Your paper should follow the following format: double spaced, 10- or 12-point standard type…

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What can be done for homeless people with schizophrenia?

After listening to the podcast, adress the following questions: Support your arguments with chapter material, information from the podcast, and/or information from other credible sources that you have found. Make sure to cite any sources used in proper…

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Accounting for taxation based in Canada

Carla Armitage owns 100% of the common shares of Extra Ltd., a Canadian-controlled private corporation operating a wholesale business in eastern Canada. Extra’s fiscal year-end is May 31, 2022. It is now April 15, 2022, and Carla has…

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