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First, please find a Parts Unknown episode in a city, country or region that interests you, or perhaps one that is high on your bucket list(s).

This assignment will take the place of a final exam, you can use all of Finals Week before you must turn it in.  It is due NO LATER THAN Friday, Dec. 8th, at 11:59pm. In the Intro to…

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In this extra-credit assignment you will plan a multi-generational, international Heritage Tourism family trip

Earlier in the semester we talked about our heritage, about international destinations we have visited or would like to go to.  I noticed a number of home stays with family in the lists of some of your international…

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The requirement is that you choose a topic related to communication in relationships (i.e., topics about interpersonal communication) that you would like to study in depth and describe it

Following this link to a research abstract that can help you shape your introductions for Paper 1.  http://journals.sagepub.com/doi/abs/10.1177/0956797611429709 Please carefully see how the authors propose their problem of interest clearly and to the point. Note. The last sentence…

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Identity – What’s in a name?

Reflection Paper 1  Chapter 3: Identity – What’s in a name? Due at 11:59PM on September 18 (Monday) Please read the short story through the link below and complete your answers. Feel free to put the question number…

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In 2020, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) created a global pandemic. By 2021, vaccines were available; however, many people of color, particularly African Americans, refused to get vaccinated. The history of African Americans and health care in the United States contributed to the mistrust that carried into the 21st century.

In 2020, the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) created a global pandemic. By 2021, vaccines were available; however, many people of color, particularly African Americans, refused to get vaccinated. The history of African Americans and health care in the United…

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In a short essay describe the process of Global Market Opportunity Assessment. What criteria should be used to choose the country or region to expand internationally?

Essay In a short essay describe the process of Global Market Opportunity Assessment. What criteria should be used to choose the country or region to expand internationally? extra credit Post at least 2 positive aspects and 2 negatives…

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As the official project lead, you will use your skills in facility compliance to continue planning your facility. The legal team already knows about HIPAA, human resources, and medical malpractice liability, but has asked you to analyze legal and regulatory issues in health care facility design that may affect the facility design planning process. 

Scenario  As the official project lead, you will use your skills in facility compliance to continue planning your facility. The legal team already knows about HIPAA, human resources, and medical malpractice liability, but has asked you to analyze legal and regulatory issues in…

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Assignment 2 Daoism. The instructions and the material is attached in the files

Assignment 2 Daoism The instructions and the material is attached in the files

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How Society Work: Diversity, Collaboration, and Problem Solving

You will need to choose three to include in your assignment. Examples of sociological concepts and theories:

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Post-Analysis Instructions

Assignment | Post-Analysis Instructions Students will write and submit a 750-1250-word essay in which you reflect upon and evaluate your pre-analysis essay, expand and (possibly) amend your views (this time including/citing scholarly sources). As before, you will describe…

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