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watch a movie and complete a motion picture analysis worksheet

I am asking you to watch a movie and complete a motion picture analysis worksheet. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions or difficulty selecting a movie for this assignment.   Please watch the movie and…

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annotation first set of theories

1.  annotation first set of theories: Please upload your working annotation document here. You do not need to upload the article! However, remember you must include the article reference so that I am able to find the article…

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Upload your draft infographic Health Condition

1. Upload your draft infographic Health Condition: Open-ended, this is your own choice — make sure that you do give an operational definition of the condition that you have focused on in this assignmentRemember to note the differences in…

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 Reflect on your proposed topic for the dissertation. How do you see your degree assisting you with your career goals? How is the dissertation process preparing you to meet those career goals?

Please answer each of the  the questions with at least 250 words in text citation and 2 refences with page numbers.  Reflect on your proposed topic for the dissertation. How do you see your degree assisting you with…

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Write a short story about the idea of change. What happens when the new and the old intersect, overlap, or compete against each other? 

Write a short story: minimum 1000 words—maximum 2000 words. Due December 9th. Write a short story about the idea of change. What happens when the new and the old intersect, overlap, or compete against each other? What happens…

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Write a review of Wole Soyinka’s Death and the King’s Horseman that analyzes the significance of race/culture, gender, and class in the social relevance of the play

This is the second assignments attach is a link the story and the first assignments  Instructions MLA-DOCUMENTED ESSAY/PLAY REVIEW Write a review of Wole Soyinka’s Death and the King’s Horseman that analyzes the significance of race/culture, gender, and…

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What is the name of the piece, the name of the performer(s), the name of the composer and the year it was written (if known)?

link for songs:  “Fallin’” by Alicia Keys:   “Peace” by Ornette Coleman: “O Superman” by Laurie Anderson: answer the following question for each piece of music. you must provide a page of citations for books, articles, web pages…

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 Using your outline and report from Week 6 and Week 7, transform the information into a presentation for a professional setting. Make sure that your presentation covers the main components of your report using the stylistic choices discussed in chapter 16 and throughout the videos.

Using your outline and report from Week 6 and Week 7, transform the information into a presentation for a professional setting. Make sure that your presentation covers the main components of your report using the stylistic choices discussed…

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tell us what you have learned about in the world of finance? 

Now that we have come to the end of the course, in no less than 1000 words, tell us what you have learned about in the world of finance? 

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Art History 

Intro to Humanities Term Paper Assignment: Topic Art History  Length: 8 to 10 pages  Use at least three sources but can use more (refer to resource posted on canvas on how to cite sources in MLA).

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