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The Monitoring of Social Media by Employers

Case StudiesThe Monitoring of Social Media byEmployersMonitoring and electronic surveillance ofemployees in the workplace has a long andcomplex history. Workers have always feltuneasy about such intrusions but have hadlittle legal recourse. Disputes quickly arosewhen companies began to systematicallymonitor…

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Please select an ongoing conflict such as the war in Ukraine, US-Iran hostilities, India and Pakistan, or China and Taiwan.

Please select an ongoing conflict such as the war in Ukraine, US-Iran hostilities, India and Pakistan, or China and Taiwan. These are just examples, so please get in touch with me for permission to pursue a particular topic….

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The Lulz Sec Hackers

Case StudiesA New York City public housing projecthardly looked like a place where someonecould disrupt the activities of governmentagencies or corporations around the world.Yet in the midst of that obscureneighborhood, the Federal Bureau ofInvestigation showed up one morning…

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The Equifax Data Breach

Case StudiesThe Equifax Data BreachEquifax, along with Experian andTransUnion, is one of the “Big Three” creditreporting agencies in the United States. Allthree companies offer credit monitoringservices as their core business. There aremany regulations and restrictions governingthe collection and…

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The New Crypto Wars: The Disputeover Apple’s iPhone

Case StudiesThe New Crypto Wars: The Disputeover Apple’s iPhoneEncryption technology in the United Stateshas a long and involved history that hasoften pitted Silicon Valley against the federalgovernment in Washington, D.C. In the latestchapter of this history Apple found…

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Alliances and Partnerships

Assess the rationale behind George Washington’s warning against entangling alliances. Discuss the merit of U.S. relationships with its major allies within the European Union, the United Nations, and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Requirements: 2 pages

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A squad of Sadness

Learning Goal: I’m working on a poetry spreadsheet and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Funeral day is when my depression feels like an ocean of pitch black water seizing me under its waves sounds like…

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Explain the events that led to the Second World War

Explain the events that led to the Second World War

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Pathophysiology Evidence-Based Medicine: Research Presentation

For this project, you will complete a clinical case study analysis, research review, and PowerPoint video presentation about the pathophysiology of a topic of your choice. Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following slides: Your presentation should be…

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