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Caring for the elderly

When caring for elderly patients in a long-term care setting, what are the primary assessment techniques and considerations that nurses should employ to prevent and manage common geriatric syndromes such as falls, delirium, and pressure ulcers? Additionally, discuss…

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Address the historical progression of the fire problem in the United  States

Address the historical progression of the fire problem in the United  States. Identify and delineate on several factors that help explain the  disparity between the high aggregate costs of fire for the nation,  states, and communities, and lower…

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For or against organ donation

For  this assignment you will research and write if you are for or against  organ donation along with why or why not.  You need to research the pros  and cons of organ donation.  Do not make a snap…

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coaching philosophy

 Please  discuss your coaching philosophy concerning the selection of team  captains and displaying player recognition. Address the following  issues: How do you think team captains should be selected? What duties  and responsibilities do you think team captains should…

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15 Ways to Improve Your Time Management

Please  refer to the “15 Ways to Improve Your Time Management” document found  in Unit 18 of the ASEP online course (see the attached pdf. file). Then,  describe your philosophy on time management and how it relates to…

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capstone journey

Select at least two threads to initially post one resource each that will support you and your peers in your capstone journey. For each resource, keep it simple. Include: Doctoral CompetenciesMedia TranscriptThis media is an infographic featuring seven…

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Moral theories

Throughout  the course, you encountered a number of different moral theories. While  you had enough exposure in the first few weeks to build a moral  compass, you have had more time to get to know the theories better…

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Traditionalist Generation

Traditionalist Generation.  What social, economic, and political issues affected this generation? Baby Boomer Generation.  What social, economic, and political issues affected this generation? Generation X.  What social, economic, and political issues affected this generation?  Millennial/Generation Y Generation.  What…

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how would you generalize the impact  parents/caregivers have on the “normal” development of children?

In  consideration of our week’s focus, how would you generalize the impact  parents/caregivers have on the “normal” development of children? Then,  in consideration of the quotation above (i.e., Family-related and disease-related variables appeared to influence quality of life in…

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leadership  summary

leadership  summary defining your leadership philosophy with one or more of the  leadership theories we have studied.  Quotes should be  limited and if necessary, cited appropriately. For this assignment, the  use of first person is allowed.  No abstract…

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