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what leadership means to you.

 what leadership means to you.  You  only need to write your summary about your expectations of leadership 

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Choose a topic relevant to criminal investigations.

The  use of newspapers, news magazines, and similar periodicals must be kept  to a minimum and will be acceptable only as sources for supplementary  information. References  like “Wikipedia,” “Psychology Today,” and “Court TV” are not primary  sources, are…

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 Students must choose from one of the following topics for their summary. Please choose only one

1. The “Blue Wall of Silence” and Police Culture2. Ethical Decision-Making Process3. Developing Ethical Leaders4. The Ethical Role of Police Subculture5. Ethics vs. Morals6. Defining Police Ethics7. Defining Ethical Leadership Practices8. The Purpose of a Code of Ethics within…

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choose one contested development in the history  of your profession or field of study and based on research complete the  worksheet.

For  this final case study, choose one contested development in the history  of your profession or field of study and based on research complete the  worksheet. If you have already discussed your own profession in class,  choose an…

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What is a  managed care organization?

 What is a  managed care organization? Based on your reading, discuss how managed  care organizations attempt to control costs. What are the benefits and  disadvantages associated with these cost controlling measures? 

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Prepare a revenue cycle plan for a community hospital.

Prepare a revenue cycle plan for a community hospital.  Include the following information in your plan: The  format of this plan is like a policy and procedure but is a longer  document. Compile your document based on the…

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The Asian Tsunami

On December 26, 2004, an undersea earthquake with a magnitude of 9.3 on the Richter scale occurred off the west coast of Indonesia. It triggered a devastating tsunami (known as the Asian Tsunami). With waves exceeding 100 feet,…

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Response to International Disasters

Is the United Nations the organization best suited to coordinate the response to international disasters? Why or why not? If not, who do you believe should be given the task of such coordination? The Posse Comitatus Act limits…

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You are a manager in a large company, and you are assigned to a mentor. Your mentor is very excited that you are taking this particular course and has therefore asked you to develop and share your own…

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organizational change

Reflect on a significant organizational change that you experienced as a stakeholder. Evaluate that change initiative and the resulting impact to stakeholders. Consider Kotter’s eight-step process described in the reading for this module, and comment on what you…

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