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Choose two factors from SDOH or DEI that have influenced maternal morbidity and mortality in the United States. What are some best practices in health promotion that could improve maternal health outcomes? Provide a community resource or program in your area that is focused on improving maternal and infant health. Describe their services and provide a link or contact information for your resource.

Assessment Description The United States has ranked below other developed countries in maternal morbidity and mortality for several years and has not met the associated Healthy People 2030 goal. Maternal health is a critical factor for the live…

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Discuss the criticism against Differential Association Theory

Discuss the criticism against Differential Association Theory. In your opinion, explain whether or not you believe they are valid (Material is found in Videos component). The minimum length expectation is 1-2 pages. APA format is required.  (TRS Psychology….

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Topic Research: · If your major is psychology, you might consider researching counseling strategies, consumer behavior in online shopping, decision-making in upper-management positions, etc.

Critical Annotated Bibliography Topic Research: · If your major is psychology, you might consider researching counseling strategies, consumer behavior in online shopping, decision-making in upper-management positions, etc. keep in mind that it should be a topic on which…

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Describe three different types of summative assessments other than formal quizzes and tests that could be used to measure learning outcomes. What are the benefits to using these types of assessments? What are the drawbacks?

Describe three different types of summative assessments other than formal quizzes and tests that could be used to measure learning outcomes. What are the benefits to using these types of assessments? What are the drawbacks?

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Discuss the differences between formative and summative assessments. Is it necessary for every course to have both types of assessment? Explain.

Discuss the differences between formative and summative assessments. Is it necessary for every course to have both types of assessment? Explain.

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Chapter 3 is the area for editing and reconstructing.  Sampling strategy and recruitment strategy are distinct concepts in research, and they pertain to different stages of the research process. Let’s explore the differences between them: Which Comes First: *******************************************************…

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Elevator Speeches

ELEVATOR SPEECH – PART I Overview: An “elevator speech” (or “elevator pitch”) is a succinct, persuasive statement that explains what you do, and why your initiatives are unique and important. An elevator speech should last no longer than…

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For the course project, you will identify and research a Homeland Security/Terrorism incident that occurred within the United States or its interests (U.S. Embassy or diplomatic mission, U.S. territory, U.S. Military asset or installation, or attack on U.S. citizens abroad

Overview: For the course project, you will identify and research a Homeland Security/Terrorism incident that occurred within the United States or its interests (U.S. Embassy or diplomatic mission, U.S. territory, U.S. Military asset or installation, or attack on…

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Identify a mitigation activity or project in your community or region (Connecticut) and discuss at least one impediment to implementing or maintaining this type of mitigation program.

Mitigation programs are very expensive and sometimes offer only long-term solutions to hazards that communities face.

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Watch the Pinto case and the cost benefit analysis discussed in the first part of this video.

(3) Justice: What’s The Right Thing To Do? Episode 02: “PUTTING A PRICE TAG ON LIFE” – YouTube Watch the Pinto case and the cost benefit analysis discussed in the first part of this video. Is it moral…

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