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Financial Statement Analysis

Learning Goal: I’m working on a accounting discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Financial Statement Analysis Discussion Question: Q- Financial Ratios Select one type of creditor or investor from the list below: Discuss at…

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Organizational Behavior

Learning Goal: I’m working on a management multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn. Reference Source: Textbook: – Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2021). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in…

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Case Studies. Google: The New Monopolist?

In 1998 the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) filed a major antitrust lawsuit against Microsoft for abusing its monopoly power against Netscape in the browser wars. The protracted case ended with a partial government victory, though it scarcely…

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Cyberethics and Code

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Looking Forward

Why would Goldman and Luce now be competing to hire Barton based on hisyear’s experience as CIO and previous experience as a business manager?Which job offer should Barton accept?How important is CIO leadership to the viability and success…

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Managing Risk

How should a company decide which IT risks are worth taking? How do youdecide how much to spend to mitigate the risks you’ve opted to take?Why should a CIO pursue senior management participation and oversight whenmanaging IT risk?Would…

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How much emphasis should the IVK IT group put on top-line benefits from ITsystems, as opposed to traditional cost savings benefits?What role should IT leaders such as the CIO play in discussions of the use of IT toenhance…

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Can the IT trend toward ever-more maintenance be stemmed?What should be the ideal ratio of maintenance to new applications?Is there a trade-off between standardization and flexibility? How are the tworelated in most companies?What should Barton do about Sales’…

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Managing Talent

What should Barton and Gordon do about the Ivan Korsky problem?How might IT managers best measure and compare the output of diverseemployees? Do you think this measurement should impact the kind of “deal”(contract) that IVK makes with talented…

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Vendor Partnering

Should acquisition of infrastructure replacement services be an arm’s-lengthtransaction or a close partnership transaction?Which vendor, contract structure, and service delivery model should IVKchoose?How important is “control” to a company like IVK when outsourcing IT? Howshould control be maintained?How…

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