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Emerging Technology

Given near-universal web access, ubiquitious personal net-connected portabledevices, and the widespread use of social technologies, can companies still keeptheir information “secret”? As a manager, what should you assume peopleoutside the company know?How would you respond to Bernie Ruben’s…

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Conventional wisdom suggests that it’s important to “manage your boss.” As aCIO, what is the best approach to managing your boss? How should Bartonhandle the bad “advice” coming from Williams?How should Barton communicate with people outside the IT…

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Which option for securing IVK in the aftermath of the security incident wouldyou choose?What would you disclose?Did CEO Williams make the best decision for IVK? Why didn’t Williams fireBarton?

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How should Barton handle the meeting with the analysts? What questionsshould he be prepared to answer and how should he answer them?How vulnerable is your company (or a company that you know) to a denial ofservice (DoS) attack…

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IT and the Board of Directors

Why do you think the IT presentation at the board meeting was scheduled asthe last agenda item and given only thirty minutes?What are the board of directors’ responsibilities with respect to IT oversight?Why do you think they seemed…

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IT Priorities

What processes need to be in place to effectively establish IT project priorities?Is assigning control of IT budgets to user departments an effective mechanismto establish IT priorities? Who should control the IT budget?Given his disagreement with Maggie and…

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The Runaway Project

What root causes led to the need for a major infrastructure replacement project?What makes such projects so difficult?Do you agree with Barton’s decision to terminate the agreement with NetiFects?Can projects like the IR project be avoided?What are the…

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Project Management

Which side would you take in the debate between Huerta and Calder?Does it make sense to jump directly into project coding and early prototypes inorder to discover “messes” (unanticipated issues) early—that is, “to fail fast tosucceed sooner”? Can…

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The Value of IT

How do IT investments create value or enable value creation?How might we get a quantitative handle on the level of value provided by IT?What light does the consultants’ report shed on the matter of Davies’s firing andthe subsequent…

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The Cost of IT

Are IT applications an asset or an expense?What is the main purpose of allocating IT costs to user departments?What is an appropriate percentage of the IT budget to spend on maintenance?As a percentage of sales, how much should…

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