Choose a topic of interest related to equality and social justice in the U.S. (i.e. religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age). You can choose topic among what we’ve discussed in the class.

RTVF 110 Final project (20 points)

  1. Analysis paper (12 points)

This is an individual assignment, but you can do this project as a group (no more than 3 people) if you prefer to. Please keep in mind that all the group members will receive the same grade for the project, if you submit the project as a group.

The purpose of this assignment is to apply theoretical concepts and ideas for media examples and recognize constructive (prosocial) electronic media messages and content that promote understanding between people and groups from varying cultural, racial, and ethnic groups.

What you need to do for this project:

  1. Choose a topic of interest related to equality and social justice in the U.S. (i.e. religious, gender, ethnic, racial, class, sexual orientation, disability, and/or age). You can choose topic among what we’ve discussed in the class.
  2. Choose one media content to analyze.
    i.e. If you want to analyze media representation of people with disability, you need to choose tv show which has such characters. Please try to choose a media content that has many aspects to be analyzed.
  3. Explain why this issue is worth to be focused and analyzed. Use what you’ve learned related to the topic. I highly recommend you use peer-reviewed articles and our course lectures to support your argument.
  4. Analyze how your chosen media example has portrayed the chosen topic. You need to elaborate what you’ve learned
    i.e. You can argue what kind of stereotypes the show provides, how the character has been described, whether the character is one of the major roles or not, etc.
  5. Based on your analysis of the media example, discuss the impact of such media representation on society.
  6. Make sure to read the rubric first and not to miss anything for your analysis paper.
  7. Your paper should be double-spaced and 12 pts. Use APA style for your citation and reference, and your paper needs to be at least 1,200 words (no longer than 1,500 words).

Rubric for the analysis paper

  1. The paper has a clear, strong title. (1 pt)
  2. The student justifies why he/she chooses a particular topic—he/she demonstrates why this matter is important to consider. (1 pt)
  3. The student shows his/her understanding of the topic clearly. (1 pts)
  4. The student uses proper academic sources to support his/her argument (at least 2 sources). (1 pt)
  5. The student provides reasons of why he/she choose a particular media content. (2 pts)
  6. The student introduces a brief information of the chosen media content: title, genre, story, etc. (1 pt)
  7. The student analyzes the media representation of his/her chosen topic with details. (1 pt)
  8. The student discusses the impact of such media representation on society. (2 pts)
  9. Overall, the student develops his/her argument clearly, using his/her own words. (1 pt)
  10. The format of the paper adopts APA style. (0.5 pt)
  11. The essay is at least 1,200 words (no more than 1.500 words) (0.5 pt)

Presentation (10 points)

You need to submit a short, recorded presentation (about 3-4 minutes) about your analysis paper on canvas. You can use zoom: open zoom meeting, share your screen, and record your presentation.

In your presentation, you need to present the following elements:

  1. The title of your analysis paper.
  2. Justification of your topic: why does this topic (I.e. gender discrimination, gentrification, or any discrimination based on cultural differences) matter?
  3. Introduction of your chosen example: why did you choose this particular example?
  4. Analysis of the media representation of your topic for your chosen example
  5. Your argument and discussion related to your analysis: your main thesis, finding, and the impacts of media representation on society.
  6. Concluding remarks Rubric for your presentation
  7. The presentation has a proper format with concluding remarks. (2 pts)
  8. Justification of the research topic (2 pts)
  9. Introduction of the chosen example (1 pt)
  10. Analysis of the media representation (3 pt)
  11. Providing argument and discussion related to the analysis in an effective manner. (1 pt)
  12. Delivery of the presentation is clear and concise. (1 pt)
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