CMD 200 – Survey of Communication Disorders

CMD 200 – Survey of Communication Disorders

Case Research

In completing these reading, research, and writing assignments, students will:

  • Ask questions and interact with information about various communication disorders through case-based study.
  • Develop discipline-specific research skills by identifying reliable web-based info sources.
  • Accurately cite outside sources of information using APA formatting.
  • Have multiple opportunities to practice writing in the discipline (using new vocabulary and technical terminology) in a low-stakes manner.


Each week, students will consider one concept from the assigned case study in several ways:

  1. Identify a concept, idea, intervention approach, etc. from the case to research.
  2. Research that concept, idea, intervention approach, etc. using information available on the open web and the textbook.
  3. Summarize what they learned about that concept, idea, intervention approach, etc. that they researched, using in-text citations (in APA 7 format)
  4. Write about how they fact checked their sources (considering how they know the author is an expert and how they determined the reliability of the source)
  5. Write about how they’ll use this (the information found and/or the process used) in the future and how they’ll use it in everyday life.

To complete each case research assignment, students will:

  • Read each assigned case (located in corresponding unit folder in Brightspace).
  • Identify at least one area/concept/idea/intervention approach, etc. from the assigned case to research. This could be something that is unfamiliar or unclear or something they are interested in learning about in greater detail.
  • Identify reliable sources of information addressing the area/concept/idea/intervention approach, etc. you identified and cite them in APA (7th Edition) format. Sources must be a combination of textbook and web-based information. Use at least three sources, including course text. The other information must be from other web-based sources (not articles from scholarly journals, even if on a digital database or listed on Google Scholar.)
  • Summarize the information found (using the format outlined below).
  • Write about the fact checking process for online sources (using the format outlined below).
  • Write about how they will apply what they learned (knowledge and/or skills) in the future (using the format outlined below).
  • Express curiosity by posing at least one question about the case or information/concepts from the case and/or one area you are interested in investigating further.

Case research papers should be typed and should include a heading that includes student name, date, and the topic (which of “the big 9” areas the case was about). Follow the format on the next page.

Case research papers are due approximately weekly throughout the semester. Please see the course calendar for specific due dates. Each completed case research write up will be evaluated on the following scale.


0 25 50 75 100

Not done; OR significant errors significant errors minor errors accurate content

didn’t follow with both APA with either APA with APA or and APA;

guidelines or and content or content; OR content insignificant error

requirements minor errors with

APA and content

You will be using APA 7th Ed guidelines for your in-text citations and for your reference list, but will not be writing a paper in full APA style.



Topic:Area Researched

Write a sentence stating the area/idea/concept/intervention approach/etc. from the case that you decided to research for this paper.Information Learned

For the area you identified (stated above), write a paragraph (approximately 4-5 sentences) discussing what you discovered. Be sure to use in-text citations to credit your reliable sources. Avoid using direct quotes. Instead, use summaries and paraphrasing of source information. This section should cite at least three credible sources (two from the internet and one from your text [or another textbook, if you choose]).
Fact Checking of Internet Sources

Write a paragraph addressing why you chose your specific internet sources and how you determined that they were credible sources of information. How did you approach your fact checking? What moves did you use? If the fact checking was not clear-cut, comment on any ambiguities or uncertainty you have about the source(s) and on your decision to use them in the paragraph above. This paragraph should not be the same for each case research paper you write.

Future Application

Write a paragraph discussing how you will use the knowledge and/or skills you gained through this assignment outside of the classroom. This could be in other classes, in everyday life, in your future work, and/or in some other way(s). This section should not be the same for each case research paper you write.
Remaining Question(s)

After reporting what you have learned, pose at least one question you still have about the case or from your research and/or one area you are interested in investigating further. What does this case make you wonder? What would you like to learn about further?Reference List

List full citations each source you used in your in in APA (7th Edition) format. This section should be alphabetized by first author. This list should include your reliable web sources and the text(s) you used. All sources cited in the information paragraph above should be listed here. All sources listed here should be cited in your “Information Learned” paragraph. If you have questions about citation format (there is a very specific format for this), refer to the notes from the citation class with Anne Deutsch and use Purdue OWL’s guide to APA formatting (or similar resource).
Writing Checklist

When planning and reviewing your writing, consider the following:FORM

  • Writing follows specified format (in this case, each area and source identified, one paragraph per area, and APA reference list).
  • Overall organization is clear, logical, and coherent, with information arranged into paragraphs based on topic or content.
  • Paragraphs follow an organized structure with a topic sentence, related details, and closing.
  • Sentences are complete and not run-on.
  • Standard spelling is used, words are spelled correctly.
  • Standard punctuation is used.
  • Grammatical conventions are followed.
  • Standard capitalization conventions are followed (e.g., at the beginning of sentences, proper nouns, and acronyms such as TBI or AAC). If in doubt about whether a disease or communication disorder is capitalized, double-check in the textbook.
  • Shorthand (e.g., b/c, &) and colloquial abbreviations (e.g., LOL) are avoided.


  • Writing addresses the assigned question or task.
  • Writing uses relevant vocabulary/terminology.
  • Main idea(s) are well defined and developed in depth.


  • Writing effectively conveys author’s idea(s).
  • Writing is clearly for intended audience.
  • Ideas are written in clear and concise sentences.
  • The writer’s voice/unique sensibility is revealed in the writing by avoidance of clichéd or generic writing
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