Collaboration and teamwork

Collaboration and teamwork are important professional skills. For this week’s discussion, you will be split into small teams by your instructor based on your last name. You will then support each other by conducting peer reviews of one another’s written staff study, which is due next week.


  • Complete a semi-final draft of your Week 5 Staff Study.
  • Post your Week 5 Staff Study semi-final draft in your team’s forum no later than day three of the module to ensure your team has sufficient time to conduct a review.
  • Draft should be posted in Word format with tracked changes turned on.


  • Review the drafts posted by at least two of your teammates.


  • Provide substantive feedback on the content. For example:
    • Feedback includes constructive criticism and/or support.
    • Feedback is complete, accurate, supported by relevant examples, and includes details from course materials or other relevant sources.
    • Feedback on mechanical writing issues (APA, grammar, punctuation, etc.) is present, but not the sole basis of feedback.
    • Critical thinking is evident in the feedback provided.
  • Feedback is provided through tracked changes and comments.
  • The reviewed paper should be posted in the team’s forum for the author no later than day 7 of the module

  • WEEK 5 Instructions
  • Prior to beginning work on the final paper, review each of the resources below:
  • Operational and Support ComponentsLinks to an external site.
  • LeadershipLinks to an external site.
  • Identify the agency’s code of ethics and include it as an addendum to your report.
  • Distinguish which ethical philosophy the code of ethics is founded on.
  • Analyze how the agency balances:
    • Civil and human rights against national security if writing from HSM perspective or
    • Conflicting priorities if writing from an EM perspective
  • Examine whether the policies and ethical standards of the agency create inequities among historically underserved communities.
  • Assess the ethical responsibilities, dilemmas, and future challenges for your agency personnel.
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About the Author: admin