comm 461 questions

Learning Goal: I’m working on a business exercise and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Question 1

Chapter 13: Databases

Doug Williams orders tickets on the Web for two concerts to be held in Philadelphia. He is able to choose his preferred seat locations for 2 passes to each concert, one by the rock band Moon Cave and one by the band Orbiter 3. His orders are processed, exact seat locations are confirmed, and the tickets are posted in the mail separately. One of the sets of tickets gets lost in the mail. When Doug calls the service number, he does not remember the date he chose for the concert tickets that are missing, or the seat numbers, but the ticket agency is able to locate his tickets quickly because the agency has denormalized the relation.

1. Describe the ticket ordering system by listing the data elements that are kept on the order form and the shipping form.
2. What information did Doug give the ticket agency to retrieve the information?

Question 2

Chapter 10: Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design Using UML

Create a series of CRC cards for World’s Trend Catalog Division. Once an order is placed, the order fulfillment crew takes over and checks for availability, fills the order, and calculates the total amount of the order. Use five C R C cards, one for each of the following classes: order, order fulfillment, inventory, product, and customer.

Complete the section on classes, responsibilities, and collaborators.

Question 3

Chapter 12: Designing Effective Input

My Belle Cosmetics is a large business that has sales well ahead of any other regional cosmetics firm. As an organization, it is very sensitive to color, because it introduces new color lines in its products every fall and spring. The company has recently begun using technology to electronically show in-store customers how they appear in different shades of cosmetics without requiring them to actually apply the cosmetics.

a. Design and draw a representation of a display screen that can be used by sales clerks at a counter to try many shades of lipstick and makeup on an individual customer very quickly and with a high degree of accuracy. Input from customers should be their hair color, the color of their favorite clothing, and their typical environmental lighting (fluorescent, incandescent, outdoor, and so on).

b. One of the affiliates My Belle has on the Web is a large department store chain. In a paragraph, describe how the display screen in “Problem a” can be altered so that: i) an individual can use it; and ii) My Belle can put it on the department store’s ecommerce site to attract customers.


** Information fields to be included:

Today’s Date, Product Code, Product Name, Color Name, Size, Monthly Quantity Sold, Monthly Dollar Amount Sold, Last Month Quantity Sold, Last Month Dollar Amount Sold, YTD Quantity Sold, YTD Dollar Amount Sold, Last YTD Quantity Sold, Last YTD Dollar Amount Sold

Requirements: 3 pages

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