Communicating to Local Health Leadership

Communicating to Local Health Leadership

By the end of this week, you will submit a recorded video with the intent of providing a high-level overview of the initial scenario presented in Week 2, along with your final recommendations for improving the delivery of value-based health care as a result of your work (Discussions and Improvement Plan submissions) completed during Weeks 3–6.

The intended audience will be the local health board for the community assigned earlier in the course.

The length of the presentation should be a minimum of 6 minutes but no longer than 9 minutes. During the presentation, you should be visible with live video, accompanied by high-quality audio, along with a view of a slide deck that you will present.

There is also a second option for your Assignment this week. The audience and content for your Assignment will be the same, but you can choose to write a 1- to 2-page executive summary and create a three-slide PowerPoint presentation.


Be sure to review the Learning Resources before completing this activity.

Required Readings

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources, including the Kaltura resources, for instructions on how to record your video and tips for presenting yourself in video format, if you choose option 1.
  • Refer to your Community Profile and Continuum of Care document that you submitted in Week 2.
  • Review the six elements of value-based care, the six IOM Aims, and the country comparisons. Consider which one you found to be the most significant for each. You will only discuss your “top improvement” for each to cover in your Assignment.
  • Consider the potential impact of your proposed improvements. What is the current state of affairs? And what would be different for your community if the value-based care elements/IOM Aims were incorporated? In other words, what would be the before and after?
  • Consider how you might introduce and/or conclude your presentation based on your audience.
  • Download the Week 7 Assignment Template (PowerPoint presentation).

By Day 7

Submit your presentation to address the following:

Option 2:

Submit a 1- to 2-page executive summary to include:

  • Summarize your assigned community and health issue, to include the following:
    • Description of the community
    • Social determinates of health for the community
    • Leading causes of death for the community
  • Summarize your proposed improvements based on the value-based care model, IOM Aims, and country comparisons:
    • Explain which one of the six value-based care elements would be your top proposed improvement to recommend to the local health board.
    • Explain which one of the six IOM Aims would be your top proposed improvement to recommend to the local health board.
    • Explain which one of the six country comparisons that you completed would be your top proposed improvement to recommend to the local health board.
    • Be sure to refer to the sources that you used in your research.

Additionally, in a 3 slide PowerPoint presentation, address the following:

  • Predict what the implications of your proposed improvements could be on healthcare delivery for your community.

Refer to the Week 7 Assignment Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria. Your Instructor will use this grading rubric to assess your work.

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