Compare and contrast formal and informal channels of organizational communication. 

Compare and contrast formal and informal channels of organizational communication. Post must be a minimum of 250 words and include 1 reference has to be from 2021 and newer.

Respond to the following: 100-word minimum no citation required.

Formal and informal channels of organizational communication serve two different goals and functions within an organization. formal communication articulates clear procedures and follows a preset hieratical structure, that includes official documentation such as reports, memos and earning releases, this type of organizational communication is characterized by its clarity, consistency ensuring the message being communicated is consistent across the board. this approach helps organizations maintain order and accountability but can be stiff and doesn’t promote flexibility to adapt to immediate needs.

on the other hand, the informal communication is more spontaneous and happens outside of organizational protocol, such as casual conversations, social interactions like events, this type of communication if more flexible and quicker is response to immediate changes and helps build relationships within the organization, the informal channels allow for quicker feedback cycles and that general encourages innovation. but informal communication doesn’t fit all scenarios lack the consistency and documentation of formal channels, which might contribute to the spread of misinformation and lead to ambiguity.

While formal channels provide a clear systematic approach to documents and convey information and ensure adherence to organizational protocols, informal channels enhance interpersonal relationships, adaptability and quicker response to unprecedented events. We must understand that this is not a scenario or a single communication channel that fits all, there must be an integration of both informal and formal channels to keep a balanced effective approach of communication

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