Compare and contrast the two Presidents: Barack Obama and Donald Trump

This assignment has three parts: 1: Essay writing: 70 points. 2: PPT: 20 Points. 3: Meaning back to a classmate: 10 points.

I. Write a five-paragraph essay on any One of the following topics:-

  • Narrate a time when people helped each other in a crisis. ( )
  • Compare and contrast drug addiction and drug abuse. ( )
  • Compare and contrast the two Presidents: Barack Obama and Donald Trump (
  • Cause and Effect Essay: How technology and education relate to each other. ( )
  • Cause and Effect Essay: Analyze the causes of divorces from different points of view. ( ),
  • Descriptive Essay: Describe the stress and anxiety among students. ( )
  • How should the education sector be changed in your country? ( ).
  • Compare or contrast: obstetric (OB) patients and adults. ( )
  • Definition Essay: How do you define technology? Imagine the future of technology: what life will be like in 20 years? ( )
  • What are the most widespread challenges faced by immigrants? ( )

Each paragraph should have at least five (5) well-developed sentences. Make sure that your essay contains the following elements:

1. Introduction paragraph with its:
a. hook
b. background information
c. clearly stated Thesis Statement that introduces the two arguments.
2. Three body paragraphs, presenting your supporting Points. Each body paragraph should:
a. have a topic sentence
b. provides at least three (3) examples or three (3) supporting details
c. incorporate a conclusive sentence and a transition sentence
3. The conclusion paragraph should:
a. restate the Thesis Statement
b. provide recommendations or make a call to action.

Follow the APA format per the guidelines given to you on the first week of your class.

II. In the second part, create the PowerPoint Presentation.

For the PowerPoint, do not write complete sentences. Include pictures and videos (not more than a 60-second video).
Your PowerPoint presentation should have the following slides:
1. Cover Slide (one slide)
2. Introduction (one slide)
3. Body Paragraphs (at least three slides)
4. Conclusion (one slide)
5. References (one slide)

Include at least THREE references from Miami Regional University library databases.
Once again, submit two filesone for the essay and the second for the PowerPoint presentation.

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