Compare any two Beatles songs from different periods.

Compare any two Beatles songs from different periods.

For the following question please answer all parts.

  • First SongTitle:Album:Year of Release:Beatles Period Represented:
  • Second SongTitle:Album:Year of Release:Beatles Period Represented:
  1. List several ways in which one of these songs is more musically advanced than the other. Support your argument with details from the textbook. (3 points)
  2. How are these two selections similar to each other? Include in your comparison the musical characteristics of each stylistic period. (2 points)
  3. How are these selections different? Include in your comparison the musical characteristics of each stylistic period. (2 points)
  4. What is your SUBJECTIVE reaction to these selections? Do you like/dislike this? Why? How might they relate or how have they related to your life? (3 points)

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