Compare the Agile and Waterfall (Plan and Document) software engineering processes

The essay question is as follows. You may want to write out the essay prior to the exam and then copy and paste into the exam. Make sure the essay is written in your own words and not AI generated.

Compare the Agile and Waterfall (Plan and Document) software engineering processes. Your essay should include the advantages and disadvantages of each process and when it is better to use Agile and when to use Waterfall. In your essay explain the meaning of the following terms and how it is used, and whether it is mainly used in one process or another.

  • Iterations or Sprints
  • Points and Velocity
  • Epics and Stories
  • Backlog
  • Iceberg
  • Change management
  • BDD (Behavior Driven Design)
  • Project phases
  • Software Requirements Specification (SRS)
  • Project documentation
  • Cost estimation
  • Measurement of project progress. How do we know the project “is on track”?
  • Unit Testing, System Testing and Acceptance Testing
  • The size of the team
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