Complaint Email

Writing Assignment 1: Complaint Email

Draft Due: Tue 23 Jan

Peer Reviews Due: Sun 28 Jan

Polished Draft Due: Tue 30 Jan

You purchased an expensive high-quality item from the fictional online outdoor store Valhalla that sells a range of high end goods similar to REI such as outdoor equipment like bikes, tents, backpacks, fitness tracker, cameras, sunglasses, clothing, footwear, etc.   When the item arrived, it had a problem and you believe the item should be replaced.  For the return of a faulty item, the website tells you to print a return label and ship it to them using UPS.  The website tells you to follow these instructions:

  • Fill out the Returns Label provided in your package or download the Product Return Form
  • Include the reason for requesting a replacement, using one of the Reason Codes listed on the Returns Label.
  • Do not affix the Return Label to the product.  Instead, ensure it is packed securely with the product
  • Print the Return Address Label you find on the website
  • Take your return to any UPS store and it will be shipped for free.

The website says they will issue a replacement once they have received the item in their warehouse and processed your request. It says to allow up to 14 days for returns to be received by the warehouse. It also asks that you allow 3 business days from the date of their receipt of your item for your return to then be reflected in their system. So that means you should allow 17 business days for your return to show up in their system.  Unfortunately, it has now been ten weeks since you returned the item and while the UPS tracking system shows Valhalla received your item, it does not appear on the Valhalla system and you have heard nothing.

Write a complaint email to the Customer Service department explaining both the problem with the item you purchased and the fact that while the UPS tracking shows they received your item more than eight weeks ago it does not show up in their system and you have not heard from Valhalla.

You would like a replacement for the original item as soon as possible.  Please refer to the strategies for writing claim and complaint letters that we discussed in class and in your textbook in chapter 6 and chapter 9 pp 275-277.  Remember to include the following:

  • name of the product and the exact model and the item number
  • your original order/invoice number and date of purchase
  • your home address,
  • email
  • phone number
  • the UPS tracking number and any other documentation you deem relevant.

Key Parts of the Email

  1. Clear subject line that conveys your request
  2. Opening paragraph uses direct approach and tells the reader what remedy the writer is seeking (p. 262)
  3. Follow this with a second paragraph in which you describe the problem and include relevant invoice numbers for your purchase and dates. Try to connect with your reader by using the “you” attitude (p. 9 and 170.).Explain logically, clearly, and specifically what the problem is with the product and the problem with the return.
  4. State what you expect the reader to do to solve the problem. Maintain a courteous tone. The tone of the complaint letter is important. The most effective complaint letters do not sound complaining, angry, or annoyed. Assume that the recipient will be conscientious in correcting the problem.
  5. Explain what documentation you have attached to the email that will help you prove that the item has been returned.


Although this is an email, you should treat this as formal writing.  For help with format of an email see p. 229-233.

Grading Criteria: 

  • Error free writing. Make sure subjects and verbs agree and nouns and pronouns.  Pay attention to verb tenses.
  • Plain English: “simple” word choice and direct sentence structure.  Appropriate, mid-level diction.
  • Visually pleasing (use of white space, bulleted items, bold or underline).  Shorter logically organized paragraphs
  • Attention to writer’s credibility/ethos: you sound reasonable and logical, not emotional and angry
  • Brief introductory paragraph conveying request
  • Body paragraph provides enough details so that the reader can determine if your claim is fair and reasonable. 
  • Positive Language: choose “neutral” words rather than emotionally laden ones. A “You” Attitude: rather than accuse, use the “you attitude” (p. 170) to show that you understand problems can occur. 
  • In the closing paragraph, politely summarize the desired action and state any important deadlines.  Provide all the contact information such as your email and address and phone number so that the audience can respond to your claim.
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